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Obiščite/visit Seviqc Brežice

Prenovljena Viteška dvorana in najava festivala
Renovated Knight's Hall and announcement of the festival

Novica 4 / 2012

Minister za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport dr. Žiga Turk je v petek, 8. junija 2012, slovesno odprl prenovljeno Viteško dvorano brežiškega gradu. Posvetni prostor z najobsežnejšimi zidnimi poslikavami v tem delu Evrope je bil javnosti zaradi II. faze projekta celovite obnove brežiškega gradu, ki ga je vodila vodja oddelka za družbene dejavnosti Občine Brežice ga. Nuša Hribar, zaprt vse od poletja 2010.

Ob neizmernem bogastvu kulturne dediščine vse od neolita, preko Keltov in antike pa do ljudskega izročila, je ta čudovit prostor tudi rezidenčna lokacija festivala Seviqc Brežice. Zato je ministrova prodorna omemba, da je naš festival ena pomembnejših stvari, ki se v tem gradu dogajajo, zame osebno in za vse, ki smo s tem festivalom promovirali grad, Brežice, Slovenijo in staro glasbo na svetovnem kulturnem zemljevidu, prav posebno priznanje. Lepota fresk Frančiška Karla Remba, rojenega v Radovljici, kjer se je 1982 rodil tudi program Seviqc Brežice, je uspešno pripomogla k uveljavljanju slovenske scene stare glasbe, ki je v zadnjih tridesetih letih napravila nepojmljiv razvoj in igra danes kreativno vlogo na svetovni sceni stare glasbe.

Naš letošnji program pričenjamo v brežiškem gradu v petek, 22. junija 2012, z baletno instrumentalno skupino L'Eclat des Muses in programom Le Ballet de la Merlaison skladatelja Ludvika XIII, očeta Sončnega kralja, ki je skupna produkcija najuglednejših francoskih festivalov in francoske kulturne politike.

S prodajo vstopnic pričnemo v ponedeljek, 18. junija. Do 1. septembra, ko bo na gradu Turjak uprizorjena Scarlattijeva opera s produkcijsko skupino AuserMusici iz Pise, se bo zvrstilo 19 vrhunskih glasbenih dogodkov, v festivalski postprodukciji pa še dva naslednja dogodka: 7. septembra Haydnova opera Armida v Rogaški Slatini kot skupna avstrijsko-hrvaško-slovenska produkcija, podprta s strani Evropske Komisije, in 30. oktobra koncert lavreatov mednarodnega pianističnega tekmovanja Chopinov zlati pstan na historičnem klavirju na ptujskem gradu.

Klemen Ramovš

On Friday, June 8th 2012, The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, dr. Žiga Turk, solemnly opened the renovated Knight's Hall of the Brežice Castle. The secular space with the most extensive wall paintings in this part of Europe was kept closed up to the summer of 2010, due to the 2nd phase of the project of complete renovation of the Brežice Castle, led by the Head of Social Activities Department in the municipality of Brežice, Mrs Nuša Hribar.

Besides its invaluable wealth of cultural heritage from the Neolithic to the Celts and the Antiquity together with folk tradition, this wonderful space is also the residential location of the Seviqc Brežice Festival. Therefore, the Minister’s powerful comment about our festival being one of the more important things happening in the castle is a very special recognition for me personally and for everyone involved in promoting, by way of the festival, the castle, Brežice, Slovenia and early music and placing them on the world cultural map. The beauty of the frescoes by Frančišek Karel Remb, who was born in Radovljica, where also the Seviqc Brežice Programme was created in 1982, was successful in establishing the Slovenian early music scene, which has made an incredible development in the past thirty years, and which today plays a creative role in the world’s early music scene.

We begin this year’s programme at the Brežice Castle, on Friday, June 22nd 2012, with the ballet instrumental group L'Eclat des Muses and the programme Le Ballet de la Merlaison by composer Louis XIII, father of the Sun King, which is a joint production of the most prominent French festivals and French cultural politics.

The ticket sales begin on Monday, June 18th. By September 1st, when Scarlatti’s opera with the production group AuserMusici from Pisa will be performed at the Turjak Castle, 19 top music events will have taken place. In addition to that, the festival’s post-production will entail two more events: on September 7th Haydn’s opera Armida in Rogaška Slatina as an Austrian-Croatian-Slovenian co-production, supported by the European Commission, and on October 30th a concert by the laureates of the international pianist competition, Chopin Golden Ring, on a historical piano at the Ptuj Castle.

Klemen Ramovš