"Where there is no vision, there is no hope."
-George Washington Carver
I love a good view. If that view includes the ocean or a large body of water, I’m even happier. Many of my favorite places in the bay area are where I can be in the hills, seeing the bay area stretched out all around me. I like the shift in perspective—being able to see how things are laid out and where they are in relationship to each other.

We need this same kind of shift in perspective in our lives; it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, keeping our nose to the grindstone without stopping to take a breath and look around. Taking the time to vision our future can give us this perspective; it’s like taking a hike to a high hilltop so we can see our lives with a more encompassing view. However, we need to be careful about how we vision; it’s quite possible to vision using the same patterns that lead us into burnout. In the article below, I point out the ways that we vision that might limit our ability to powerfully move in the direction we want to go.
In other news, I will be interviewed next week by Ling Wong of Thoughts For Foods in her Expert Interview Series. Check it out below! 

Expert Interview Series 

I’m pleased to be included in my fellow coach Ling Wong’s Expert Interview Series, sharing the five steps we take to go from a state of imbalance to a life of harmony and integration. My interview will be next week, June 19, at 2:00 pm Pacific. 

Sign up to hear my interview, and also get access to other expert interviews on health and nutrition, including topics such as detox, food/mood connection, digestive wellness, and how synthetic dyes affect the body.
For more information and to sign up, visit:

Visioning: Inspiration or Discouragement? 
by Julie Stiles
fog over San Francisco Bay and Golden Gate Bridge
In my previous article, I talked about bridging the gap between where we are and where we want to be. We create that gap when we have an idea—a vision—for where we want to be or how we want our lives to look. We are told that visioning is an important part of manifesting the life of our dreams and reaching our goals. Yet there’s another side to this story.
In my experience, visioning can also lead to burnout, overwhelm, and feeling hopeless about ever attaining our ideal life. Have you ever had a vision of yourself—perhaps one that sparked a New Year’s Resolution—that you failed to reach? Maybe you saw yourself at a perfect weight, or feeling just the way you would like, or envisioned yourself in your ideal career. Perhaps you even created a plan and took some steps in that direction. Then, you began to feel overwhelmed or experienced a setback, and you lost direction. What happened as a result to your belief in your ability to reach your vision?  

Many of us, in response to dreams we had when we were young that did not come true, decide that it’s better not to dream at all. Instead, I suggest that when we look at how we have been visioning that hasn’t worked for us, particularly when we have felt discouraged and overwhelmed, we can find a new way to vision that does work.
Here are some of the ways we vision that, if we aren’t careful, can lead us straight to burnout and feeling hopeless:
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Julie Stiles is a health and transformation coach who works with women seeking to live balanced and integrated lives so they can reach their highest potential. She holds an MA in Consciousness Studies from John F. Kennedy University, and brings together in her coaching her interests in transformation and healing. Julie offers private and group coaching, workshops, and teleseminars, and works with people in person and worldwide via phone and the internet.

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