Join us for the OM WAVE TELE-CALL!

Dear Fellow Light Workers & Torch Bearers,

It is just days away -- June 20, 2012 is the Summer Solstice. The OM WAVE Crystal that James Tyberonn has written about, the OM WAVE Event that at we have channeled Saint Germain, Lord Adama and Lord Metatron on last weeks Radio Show to assit you in knowing almost here.

It is not, we repeat, not, just another Solstice.  If you missed our Mastery Class last week, you missed Lord Metatron talking about how important doing this work is for each of us, the OM Wave Solstice being the energetic mid-point of our Golden Year. (Click here to buy the Class recording if you feel aligned with Lord Metatron and want to know more. The Class also had a wonderful message from Sanat Kumara and the Kumaras.)  

Please read on for a channled message from Divine  Mother Father God to asssit in your preparations for Wednesday.

Also note that we will be doing an open call Wednesday at 5 PM PDT (8 PM EDT) to assist everyone to integrate these energies.  We do invite you to join us and would love you to make a donation to support these calls, as this is an open call for everyone to join! Click here to read the details.. 

For those who are excited about getting your own activated crystal that is attuned to both your own frequency and the OM Wave frequency, we have extended purchasing the personal cystal until Tuesday at noon so ACT NOW! (See the second column entry for the link to order).

And don't forget -- The new CLARION TEMPLE OF ONENESS call is tonight at 5 PM PDT (8 PM EDT \ 2400hrs UTC)!


Blessings in Love & Light,

I AM Meleriessee at your serivce
and I AM Mike at your service,


"The Essence of OM Activating Humanity"


by Divine Mother and Father God within The Clarion Temple of Oneness

 June 17, 2012
The Essence of OM Activating Humanity
It is our pleasure at this moment to share with you the first of the Cosmic Oneness through this venue.  We have changed the way in which we are providing the information and including the Divine Mother and Father God within The Clarion Temple of Oneness.  It is an exciting time when elements are coming to fruition and with that change, how can we not feel the Oneness of the ALL.  I am Lord Sananda. 
From this point forward Michael will be bringing forth the message from myself, but in this moment, I wanted to share that the messages of the Cosmic frequencies are going to be moving in a different direction.  I am honored to be with you, but time does not permit me to work with Mike in these moments.  So it is with great pleasure that I bring to you our Divine Mother and Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun.
Namaste and Great Love to You ALL
I AM that I AM that I AM, I AM the Cosmic Great Central Sun as the Divine Mother and Father God.  It is our pleasure to share our energies with each of you and especially at a very wonderful time of creation.
This week is going to be quite wonderful and exciting for each of us as we move into the Summer Solstice energies of experiencing the OM WAVE across the globe.  We want to share with you some thoughts of exactly what the OM WAVE represents for each of you.
We express to you the ability to access your own Divine Essence in the power and the light that you are.  We share with you these energies in this moment to assist you in this magnificent process that is occurring with in the earth.  You are to be commended for all of the hard work you have been doing as Gaia is extremely excited to receive these energies.  As each of you are the conduits for these energies, you will experience timelines from your past to be ignited into your future.  Some of these timelines you may know about and others have been lost.  But this is your time of remembrance of the ability to access YOU in many multi-faceted levels.  It is exciting as each of you, my Dearest Ones, are fully going to be able to move into a new state of existence; and if you do not, then it is only because you still have deep seated elements that are standing in your way.  This is why the OM WAVE is going to assist you greatly.
At the onset of these energies, you may feel waves of light running through your body and some are going to feel it differently than others.  Those that are physically within Mt. Shasta are going to move into a deeper level than they thought possible and are the conduits for others around the globe to feel these effects.  It would be very helpful to have a special crystal that is aligned with your energies to help ground the essences within you.  What is going to occur with this frequency is that as the OM WAVE is being activated, the crystal will help to ground you through the process.  It does not mean that the OM Wave will stay in the crystal but it will go through the crystal essence and then into you.  In other words it will take up some of the intensity so you can receive it through the 3-4 day period that the activation will take place.
Some of you are going to feel the effects deeply through your being.  Aspects of the mental and/or emotional levels are going to be purged and integrated at the same time.  Spending time in nature during this time would be very crucial to the balance that is needed within you.  During this phase of the crystal energy you may have elements to arise but it is up to you to fully work through them.  The energy will not do that for you, it is working with you and you will know what to do.
The planet is being awakened into a new level of experience for each individual.  Everyone will feel it differently and work through it within themselves.  We are going to see more awakened Beings through this process and it is up to you, the Ones that have walked before them to help with the grounding process.  As more and more awaken, it is imperative that each of you take care of yourselves so that you can be the grounding conduit from the heavens above into your body and through the Earth.  For some it may be like an earthquake rattling within you and for others it will be peacefulness within your heart.  Many will feel both of these elements at different intervals depending upon your initiation process.  This goes hand-in-hand with what you will be experiencing.  You see if new Ones are awakening, then they are waking up unto their initiations and seeing the world quite differently.  Then each of you will move forward into a higher existence but within this existence comes a sense of knowing there is more.  There will always be more for you to express within yourself.
We are very excited about this juncture of time upon Earth.  Many have been waiting for these moments and now it has arrived.  We express to you to fully allow yourself to be still and receive the frequencies that are necessary for your developmental process.  This is the best advice that we can offer.
Each of you are awakening to a new part of your Being.  In these moments it is important to be YOU and not what you think YOU ARE.  Beingness is the most important aspect as you will go through many changes.
Think of it as this:  sitting in a perfect space, breathing deeply, feeling the essence through your breath and without your body.  Just sitting within this space you have created, allowing the essence of your multi-dimensional self to run through your physical body as it changes and molds you into what your Higher Self has deemed appropriate for you.  This is the essence of CREATION.
The first is the OM coming to you and the following is the acceptance of the frequency that will be in balance.  Sit and reflect in those moments and you shall feel the change within you.  Now the body may react in certain ways; it cannot be helped.  So allowing the acceptance to flow through you is most important.
We are so honored to share with you these elements to help you in the process.
We, of the Divine Mother and Father God fully embrace you deeply in the presence that WE ARE.
So Mote It Be, In the Name of YHWH and All of Creation

and the Metatronic Seals

Lord Metatron is assisting all those who feel the pull of the Metatronic Angelic Hosts that they once were. Specialized personal sessions that are unique to each individual are now available. This will assist the anchoring of the Golden Era upon the Earth and your own Acceleration toward Becoming Your Divine Self. Click here to read more.


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Have you visted the new website yet?  Lots going on there as we post blogs entries a few times a week sometimes!  We are the premier website for your 5D Body teachings, meditations attunments and more to assist in your accelerateion.

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Get the complete details on our website for the Early Bird Discount!

Less Than 24 Hours Left To Buy! Act Now To Get Your Own OM WAVE Attuned Crystal

If you have been keeping up with the messages about the Summer Solstice, you know that it is, as with everything this year, no ordinary solstice.

Inside the mountain of Mount Shasta in Northern California, a mountain that is right in plain view of where we live, there is an ancient crystal of enormous proportions. It will be used to activate a "Wave of Remembrance and Rediscovery" across the planet. Over a three day cycle during the Sumer Solstice on June 20th this energy transmission will reach its peak of resonance.

At the behest of Lord Adama and the Telosian Council of Light, we are offering special crystals that are going to be attenuated to both your frequency and the OM Wave frequency through a unique activation. Click here to read more.


In case you missed our last newsletter - here is the  Message from
Saint Germain on the OM WAVE:

"The OM WAVE ~ Activation of the ONE"


Greeting My Fellow Comrades of the Light,
It is my divine pleasure to be here with you in this moment of creation ~ and what moments we are going to be experiencing for all to see.
First of all, I want to say to each of you that you have blessed yourselves beyond the capacity of your mental minds and this is what true mastery entails.  It is a wonderful time upon Earth and every individual that is awakening in these moments are part of this creative process.
We are coming into a juncture of time beyond space and our innermost feelings.  All timelines are coming into creation ~ especially the ones that have been lost through the ages.  But yet they have not really been lost but just tucked away until they were ready to be revealed once again.  Yes, my friends, the Light of your Soul is now ready to shine ever so deeply than it has before.  It is our time of renewal, of rebirth, but truly the acceptance of the old and new coming together in unison.
The events that have led up to this momentous event has prepared each of us to move into a process of continuation that we have been waiting for to happen for eons and eons of time.  The frequencies of Resurrection, Acceptance, Regeneration (Festivals of Christ, Wesak, and Humanity) and then integration of the Venusian energies upon the planet along with the powerful eclipses.  These elements that have been occurring have been preparing you for the next movement of frequencies within each of you and within Gaia.  Otherwise, you would not feel the effects of these activations as deeply as you are doing presently.
In order for something to feel their Divine Balance of the Yin and Yang they must first move along the pathway of lessons.  These lessons teach us what fits within our present circumstances and what needs to be removed.  It was essential to also allow your Soul’s Essence to command the energies through the pathway that you have created.  Wesak is always a very powerful ceremony for each of us in Mastery, but this year is beyond the comprehension of one’s ability to fully focus in the NOW.  Yes, my friends…these are the elements that each of you are experiencing through the challenges and changes of the old self.  You are becoming RENEWED and REFRESHED by the pure design of being here at this time of awakening.
Take some moments in the next couple of weeks to fully ground what you are feeling as it is brand new within your physical self.  There is no frame of reference at this time; there is only the moment to feel the essence and that may change as your perspective changes.  The one thing that we can all relate to is that 2012 is the YEAR OF CHANGE.  So in these moments after the Venus Transit essence allow yourself to fully incorporate these elements of change.  Your cellular structure is changing greatly in each moment, activation, and each breath that you take.  Why?  Because the breath that you took an hour ago no longer fits within the capacity of your Higher Heart and Mind, and respectfully, the breath in this moment will be different than the future ones.  This is how we teach ourselves to be fully within the moment.  The breath of life is coming from your I AM Presence, and it changes quickly with the passage of time, energies, and expressing who YOU ARE onto YOURSELF.
So reflect in each moment as much as you can.  Breathe deeply and feel the essence from your I AM Presence to fully infiltrate within your physical self to prepare you for the next step.  Without doing these processes, you will not be able to achieve the highest results possible; they will be lost in the process as each moment passes ever so quickly.  SO GROUNDING RIGHT NOW IS ESSENTIAL.  Go into nature, feel your essence and share with the beauty of the world and with Gaia.  She is ready for your embrace as you extend these parts of yourself that have been lost through the process of not remembering.
NOW IS THE TIME TO FULLY BE IN ONENESS.  By this statement I do not mean with everyone else on the planet but within your Essence of your I AM, your Higher Self fully integrated as the process of the Venusian energies are now yours for the keeping.  It is a major bridge unto the OM WAVE for the Summer Solstice.  Without it you will not be able to sustain your frequencies within the body.  It is imperative to do so.
Well, there is lots of chit-chatting about this frequency and the Atlantean crystal within Mt. Shasta that is about to be ignited.  I ask of you to be very clear in the conciseness of this information and this frequency.  It is a power that is about to be ignited through all elements of time, and if humanity was not ready, then it would not occur.  But it has been deemed appropriate at this time for the emergence of this moment to be share unto all of Humanity as each of you are ready.  We know that there are still many individuals, actually too many to count, that need to be awakened but the ones that are awakened are ready to hold these frequencies for the rest of humanity.  So are you ready?  Are you ready to receive the highest available light essence that represents all of our pasts and our futures to combine into the present?  If you are not, then you need to get ready.  Those that are followers will find that they need to follow their own intuition as each I AM Presence will be the designated guide.  Not me, not other Ascended Masters but YOU.  And if you need assistance, there are here on this plane that can help to move your energies.
The Leaders of the New Earth are going to be revealed in these awakening times and it is occurring now.  Are you a leader?  You may not even know that yet, but I will tell you all will come together in Unison to fully represent their essences of the past and the future into the NOW.  Hmmm..I think I said that before…Yes, I did.
The OM Wave is exactly what it states.  A frequency of light coming forth into the planes of existence to fully assist those who are ready to receive it.  And what about those that are not ready?  Another activation to assist or de-sist which means what you do not work on will only affect you more deeply and possibly put you in a position that you have experienced before.  It is called the separation movement.  There will be an essence of the Yin and Yang coming together, bringing in all timelines into the present, and aligning the elements of Atlantis and Lemuria to come together as ONE.  It is no mistake that the Atlantean crystal is housed within Mt. Shasta in Telos, the Inner Earth City of Light representing Lemuria.  This crystal is used by the Lemurians consistently but only in the balance of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.  It has been deemed appropriate at this time that this crystal is now going to be activated from the Inner Earth, into the Upper Earth, activating the timelines for the New Earth which is in the Etheric level of Gaia, and accelerating the gridlines from the Intergalactic Races into all aspects of Beingness.
It is being considered the Activation of the ONE in which all levels of frequency from the 144thdimensional reality all the way down to zero and then back up into the 5thdimension to be fully actualized upon the Earth.  The OM WAVE is a frequency of light of all moments coming into completeness of the Self, and will assist each living being upon this planet to come to the realization that they have a pathway to share with others.  Lemuria and Atlantis will come together during this extreme wave of frequency which will start on June 20th, 23:09 GMT (3.09 Pacific US) and lasts through June 24th   23:09 GMT.  It has been deemed appropriate that the emission of the OM WAVE be a continuous effort for a four-day period due to the intensity that will occur.  The energies will be sustained in the upper earth and will continue to accelerate the frequencies emanating from the peak of Mt. Shasta in all directions.  The following energies will be in a stream and steady flow through to the 25thanniversary of the Harmonic Convergence which marks a time of completion.  Then it shall be firmly planted within Gaia to create the higher frequencies of the NEW EARTH, Terra Christa.
Depending upon where you are in your pathway, the intensity of your work, and your timelines from Atlantis and Lemuria will be the determining factor.  It is very important that an individual realize the importance of this event.  It is bringing the essence of the Masculine and Feminine Divine into full power once again but only with the balance that it creates.  Each of you are an important part of this creation and it is up to you personally what you need to experience during this time as it will set the stage for more growth factors.
This is only our beginning of creating this balance within the full body system and upon Gaia.  Each of you has a responsibility to make yourself as clear as possible if you have no already done so.  We are all a work-in progress and where you are presently is your defining moment.
I know that each of this planetary activations you hear “Masculine and Feminine Divine” are coming fully into existence.  This is very true and you must realize with each passing element that occurs it is going to get deeper within your Being.  It is part of this pathway.  Increments of time are occurring to prepare each of you into a deeper part of yourself.  This activation comes forth in a more direct manner as it is related direction to the previous timelines of Atlantis and Lemuria. 
There is so much more to share with this event but I realize that time in this moment is not permitting me to do so.  So this is our introduction unto the best of the best into this planetary frequency that we have been aspiring to accept within the physical creation.  Please do stay tune for our next lesson on the OM WAVE and what it means for all of Humanity.
I look forward to walking with each of you during this amazing time of regeneration upon Planet Earth.
I AM St. Germain, in Loving Acceptance of Your Light




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