This week on Friday's Fancies! 


Should you need me to link up your post on Friday, schedule your post to go up at 12:00AM EST and send me the image of your outfit board via email. I'll take it from there :) If you would like a personalized banner, please email me--I can make one which matches your blog in the shape of a rectangle or a square!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please send them my way. I am all ears! 

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august 10th - gingham gorg

this week: gingham gorg!

Hello again! Can anyone tell me where this summer is going?! (I may be done with the heat, but I'm in no way ready for the cold!) Your posts from last Friday gave me endless inspiration for some fab end-of-summer outfits. This week's theme--gingham--should also give some fun outfit ideas! Use this pattern to anchor your outfit or choose something else more to your liking. I can't wait to see how you rock this gorg pattern! 

Soak up these summer days--and I'll see on you Friday! Please let me know if you need anything at all :) xoxo Alison

next week: summer sunset!

august 17th - summer sunset

Summer sunsets always find a way to make a bad day better. For Friday, August 17th, we'll channel that positive energy and use it in our ensembles! Whether you use a color palette based on the sundown scene or create something you'd wear at sunset, it's up to you. You have the final say :) 

in two weeks: road trip!

august 24th - road trip

With the dog days of summer almost behind us, I thought it would be fun to devote a round of Friday's Fancies to a fun summer pasttime: the roadtrip! Pull together an outfit which you'd rock while tooling down the highway. As always, don't feel tied in by the theme...all fashion posts are welcome.

psst: don't forget to use your BLOG NAME when linking up your post on Fridays--it'll help get you all the recognition you deserve for your hard work. Please also use the DIRECT LINK to your post, rather than just the generic link to your blog so that your Friday's Fancies entry will go straight to your posts weeks and months down the line :) And remember: you always have the freedom to create whatever outfit you like--your only requirement is to dream big and not have to worry about the pricetags!

If you've been thinking about having me give your blog some polish, email me!

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