Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 
1 Thessalonians 5:11
A Monthly Devotion written by a WELS/ELS pastor’s wife with some encouraging updates, prayers & news.
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As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.  Proverbs 27:17 NIV

A few Sundays ago, I stayed home from church with a feverish child. Our older kids went with my husband for worship; while they were gone, the sick baby took a nap. To make the most of my Sunday morning, I tuned in to, a site that offers WELS audio sermons.
 I appreciated the sermon, but later on that day, started thinking about how much I value the chance God gives me most weeks to worship – and study – with other Christians. In Proverbs we’re reminded “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” God puts other believers in my life for a reason: by studying together, we can grow in the Word. We might hear another thought that helps shed light on a difficult passage, or share experiences that deepen our understanding of a particular Bible message.
 As pastors’ wives, we’re often involved in various church activities. So much so, that it can be tough sometimes to think about adding one more study to our weekly to-do list, or go to an extra service during the week.
 God continually gives us opportunities to participate in these. And he promises that time spent with others in his Word is time well spent. He’ll use it to open our hearts, renew our souls, and encourage both our spirits and others. 

Ask The Lord
Lord, Forgive me for the times I neglect to make the most of the opportunities you provide to worship and study with others. Grant me a growing eagerness to study your Word with fellow believers, and help my faith to grow during those times. Amen.

Rachel Hartman

Upcoming Renewals

EarlyBird Deadline August 8th - Bought By Christ
October 12-13, 2012 - Maple Grove, MN

Sweet Are Your Words
November 2-3, 2012 - Oshkosh, WI

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Christian Wedding Planner

Just Out!  The 3rd Edition of Together in Christ
Take a look at this wonderful resource for planning a Christian Wedding with it's focus on the worship service and marriage.
Also available - Together In Christ "kit" for churches.



If you have prayer requests, an upcoming PW event to announce, news you’d like to share, or would like to help by writing a devotion for the newsletter, please let Valerie know.