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We must continue to fight to protect the Amazon
– the lungs of our Earth

Mikael Juruna

Ten-year-old Mikael Juruna fighting for the survival of his family and his people
during the recent Belo Monte dam occupation.

Dear Friends,

In our 15th year, Amazon Watch continues to fight for the protection of the Earth's largest tropical rainforest. Our courageous team is working with an ever-growing movement of indigenous and local people in the Amazon, backed by allies and financial supporters like you from around the world. Together, we are a powerful force bringing about hopeful change for the future of the Amazon and the people who call it home. My job is to make sure we have the resources to continue – and for that I appeal to you and your continued and, if possible, increased support.

I just returned from the Rio+20 Earth Summit followed by a visit to the middle Xingu region in the Brazilian Amazon. What I saw there affected me deeply and has left me emboldened and inspired like never before. If the project goes forward, Belo Monte's two reservoirs and canals would flood a total of 260 square miles, 60% of which is standing forest. The flooding will also force more than 20,000 people from their homes and communities. The National Amazon Research Institute (INPA) has calculated that the forests flooded by Belo Monte's reservoirs will generate enormous quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas that is 25 times more potent than CO2. It will be a crime if this goes through, and it would be criminal to stand by and let it happen unopposed.

Amazon Watch is standing with the people of the Xingu to prevent this travesty. We have already helped to bring over a million voices to bear against the plans of the government of Brazil. The future of the Xingu and the future of the planet are directly connected.

Now I'm asking you to please make a gift in support of this critical campaign. It takes resources and money to carry out an effort like this – and the Brazil campaign is nearing the EMPTY mark. Supporting Amazon Watch with a tax-deductible contribution makes this possible and will allow this effort to continue. Your support makes a real and powerful difference for the people and the places we are working to defend – all of them.

For the Amazon and Future Generations,

Atossa Soltani
Atossa Soltani
Executive Director

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