Bicycle Cape Town brings you the highlights from the exhilarating CycleLINKS 0.2 event held at the Hubspace Woodstock... Bicycle Cape Town is a community generated campaign to promote bicycle culture in CPT.
Bicycle Cape Town


CycleLinks 0.2

Thanx to all who attended the exhilarating CycleLINKS 0.2. We are thrilled by your support & passion for the transformation of Cape Town into a truly bicycle-friendly city. 
For those who weren't able to attend, here is a rundown of the evening's highlights: 
B.CPT website –  Our user-focused campaign website, designed by Leonie Mervis of Wildfire Creative, enables interaction, resource & ideas sharing & expands our common vision - encouranging people to Link Up and have their say about bicycle culture in CPT.
Advocacy – The City is planning cycle lanes on Albert Rd. (a main artery connecting the Southern suburbs & CBD). B.CPT has facilitated cyclists’ participation & input in the consultation process. A big thanks to Kyle Mason-Jones for coordinating feedback & ensuring B.CPT’s presence. To participate email sign the online Petition for safe cycle lanes.
Open Streets – Thanks to the City of Cape Town (CoCT) representatives who reiterated the city’s support of B.CPT at the meeting. Conversations are underway to collaborate in the organization of Open Streets as part of Transport Month in Cape Town. Open Streets is based on Bogota-Ciclovia, in which streets are closed to cars & opened to non motorised vehicles & people for part of the day, to exercise & interact. Open Streets will celebrate public spaces, cycling & community building. To those who signed up to volunteer & help out, stay tuned for next steps. Anyone who would still like to participate email
Last but not least, people exchanged ideas about bike-sharing, linkages to public transport initiatives & the desire to build strength & momentum in our campaign. 
Please continue to share your ideas for the B.CPT campaign on our website & encourage your friends to Link Up. Let’s keep the wheels turning to cover more ground before we meet at CycleLINKS 0.3!
Special thanks to the Hubspace for providing an amazing space and support; John Bennett (JB) for creating audio visuals, Nic for the beautiful Bicycle Portraits; and general support from the Bicycling Empowerment Network (BEN)Wildfire CreativeGlobal Wheeling Initiative, Cape Town & Winelands Bicycle Maps, Camissa BicyclesCape Town Bicycle Commuter, Glen Tyler, Atang Tshikare, Sarah Stands, Marcela Guerrero Casas, Silvia Emili and Diana Sanchez. 
Thanks again to CoCT officials for attending and for their unwavering support for B.CPT.
Together we can transform the city.
The Bicycle Cape Town Campaign Team.
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