Thank you!

Yes, let’s do this!
You are here because you are a leader who cares.
(Also, a reminder you can lead for ANY position in a company or organization.) 
You want to show up with courage and create powerful change.
Also, maybe it is a SLOG sometimes…

You are a leader who wants social change.

You may work directly with the community and clients, or you may manage a team. Regardless, you lead from your position by supporting others to move the purpose forward and to use their own strengths to improve the work. 

And you want to lead from a place of strength and joy, not exhaustion.

Get 5 doable practices that improve your leadership skills and support you to lead without burning out.

We'll try out a very small practice each day that supports courageous leadership.

These practices are about building toward sustainability in your own leadership journey. You cannot continue to lead toward your larger mission and purpose in the world if you are overwhelmed.

Sign up and join us! 5 days to check in and strengthen your leadership muscles.

Each day you will get one short email + a short practice in a podcast (less that ten minutes!).
You try the practice and let us know how it went. 
You can even do this with your team or a dear friend. (Send them this link.

An important note - this “challenge” has been built to be small and doable and provide traction and learning along the way. However, it is not going to fix everything.

The work of social change, the needs of your company, and the work of your own life are big, beautiful, hard, and complex. A short set of practices is not going to change everything.

Yet, when we are overwhelmed or when we are holding a lot, it helps to start small, to try the little thing and see how it feels, and notice what shifts. From there, you can ask yourself (and others) what is needed next. 

You can build from the small practice.

I have spent over 10 years supporting leaders during strategic and organizational change. Each practice is build from a larger framework I use with clients in my leadership coaching and in Vessel Consulting’s strategic planning consultation and work with teams. These practices and the larger framework for “Leading Together for Change” have reduced stress and burnout in our leadership clients, supported the building of creative, cohesive teams, and proved foundational for strength-based, strategic, equitable cultures.

Let’s try a few together!
Join us. 

Annie Von Essen 

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