This week on Friday's Fancies! 


Should you need me to link up your post on Friday, schedule your post to go up at 12:00AM EST and send me the image of your outfit board via email. I'll take it from there :) If you would like a personalized banner, please email me--I can make one which matches your blog in the shape of a rectangle or a square!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please send them my way. I am all ears! 

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july 6th - stars + stripes

this week: stars + stripes!

Hello friends! Some of you may have seen my instagram updates from my spontaneous weekend in California, so you'll understand my happiness in this short{er} work week. I'm definitely still on west coast time ;) Thankfully, the beachy chic posts from last Friday were great inspiration as I packed for the weekend. They'd certainly be helpful for those of you traveling this week too! 

The 4th of July may fall during the middle of the week, but it doesn't mean we have to stop our celebrations on Wednesday. We will just keep the party rolling through Friday, by sporting our patriotic pride for Friday's Fancies. If you want to post your stars + stripes post earlier in the week and then link it up on Friday, that is totally acceptable ;) {psst: If you don't live on this side of the pond, don't worry--just take the theme literally, i.e. stripes/stars, or do something totally out of the box. I'll just be happy to have you!}

Thank you for making each and every week better than the one before :) You. are. the. best. See you on Friday! xoxo Alison
P.S. If you haven't purchased your tickets for blogger blitz chicago, this is your last week to join the fun!

next week: wedding guest!

july 13th - wedding guest

The last few summers have been full of weddings--and this summer is no exception! For Friday, July 13th, I'll be crafting my dream "wedding guest" attire and I'd love for you to join with me. Remember: you have every right to take your post in whatever direction you'd like. This theme is just a suggestion!

in two weeks: euro trip!

july 20th - euro trip

{cv} and I are bound for Europe on Sunday, July 15th, so it's only appropriate for all of you to take a little trip along with us ;) I wouldn't leave you hanging for a round of #FridaysFancies while we're away! For Friday, July 20th, dream up your perfect travel outfit for a day spent exploring your ideal European vacation spot. If you have somewhere or something else up your sleeve, no worries! Any + all posts are welcome. 

psst: don't forget to use your BLOG NAME when linking up your post on Fridays--it'll help get you all the recognition you deserve for your hard work. Please also use the DIRECT LINK to your post, rather than just the generic link to your blog so that your Friday's Fancies entry will go straight to your posts weeks and months down the line :) If your blog has a facebook, be sure to tag {long distance loving} when you share your #FridaysFancies--fans of my facebook page will see your post too! And remember: you always have the freedom to create whatever outfit you like--your only requirement is to dream big and not have to worry about the pricetags!

If you've been thinking about having me give your blog some polish, email me!
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