Mosaic Swap news and more ...
Art PAw

ATC's ( last swap)

Sorry my snapshots are not better quality

Katrina Doran

Becky Dinsmore

Fran Charbeneau

Jim Price

Kelly Railsback

Linda Stover

Linda Urban

Gabby Barrientos

Dave Stover

Rebecca Collins

The Last Mosaic Swap was Fun!

We had a great time at the Belmont bar last June and you can see larger pics of the Bird trade on facebook.
Our next theme will be "faces" ( color theme will be Viridian) . I will be hosting that party and I am setting a tentative date of Saturday November the 3rd.

I just posted a flier over at fb about the next trade and I will send out an evite in a couple of months. You can find the info flier by clicking here.

Chip is Armed

I finally got back to work on my 3-d robot fellow named Chip.
I hope to have him finished by the end of summer, I am working on his arms this week.
I hope you guys are all finding time during this long hot summer to work on a few projects.


If you have not seen the glass yet at the aboretum and want to go just give me a shout some Friday. I renewed my membership and always looking for someone to  play with on Fridays. The crowds have died down due to the heat , but if you catch it right after a rainy day you will find it is very pleasant in the garden.

Our New Stover

The 4rth was a lot of fun around here, not only is it the nation's b-day, it is also Dan's. He is in love with his Birthday present I gave him. Dave Stover brought a piece he had just finished to the last swap (shown above) and I bought it right out from under him on the spot. I knew it would be the perfect gift.

My Etsy

I have created a robot section in my Etsy shop. Trying to move some artwork ... anybody that has been to my house knows that wall space is at a premium around here. I think we are technically what is known as "art hoarders"  and I have come to accept the fact that in order to keep making more art, and buying more art,  I have got to let some of my personal works go. 
 I am going to be teaching Mosaics starting at the end of August at the CAC on Thursday nights. I hope some of you guys will sign up and come play with me, I have a few ideas on some design related stuff I want to share with folks. Katrina is back and teaching her Tuesday night classes and Sundays, she wanted to scale back the number of days she teaches so she can have more time to work on some of her own projects. I was very excited when  Diana asked me if I would like to fill in this fall. Next year I hope to be offering some web related workshops on building an on-line art portfolio.  If you want to keep up with my class offerings please visit my main website:
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