The summer semester is well underway and the signs welcoming FASET students are a reminder that campus will welcome a new incoming Freshman class of students to continue carrying the mantra of "Progress and Service". With that in mind, we in the Office of Government and Community Relations bring to you the summer edition of Community Buzz. It may be summer, but the Georgia Tech family of students, staff, and faculty never break from service. Service is not what we do, it's who we are. Go Jackets!
Community Connections
The Tech Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement is promoting community service by partnering with the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children (ADS). Throughout the summer, Tech will be hosting a collection drive to benefit the ADS, one of our neighboring community partners.
All families and students are encouraged to participate at their FASET session by bringing an item from the list below to donate. Collection bins will be located at the FASET Check-in table as well as in the Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement (Student Center Commons, Rm. 2211), and the Office of New Student & Sophomore Programs (Student Services Building, Suite 141). The project will culminate with an on-campus service event on Friday, August 17, 2012 where incoming students will volunteer along-side upper class students, faculty, and staff to package donated goods and assemble kits for delivery to the Shelter. For more information, contact Sarah Perkins at or at 404-894-1197.
The mission of the Shelter is to ease the burden of homelessness for women and children and to assist in establishing self-sufficiency by providing comprehensive education and supportive services in a manner that respects human dignity. Since its founding in 1984, ADS has served as a daytime resource center and safe refuge for homeless women and children in the Metro Atlanta area. In 2011, ADS served 3,537 women and 1,105 children for a total of 4,642 individuals.
Hand sanitizer (travel size)
Tissue (travel size)
Shampoo (travel size)
Conditioner (travel size)
Lotion (travel size)
Bar soap / Body wash (travel size)
Baby shampoo (travel size)
Baby lotion (travel size)
Baby oil (travel size)
Baby soap / body wash (travel size)
Tide pods (or individual packaged laundry detergent)
Dryer Sheets
Sandwich/snack-sized bags
No. 2 pencils
Mechanical pencils
Colored Pencils
Markers (primary colors)
Highlighters (yellow)
Calculator (mini)
Spiral Notebooks
Folders (three pronged with pockets)
Binders (1 in)
Notebook paper (college ruled or wide ruled)
Partnership for Southern Equity (PSE)
This summer the Partnership for Southern Equity is hosting a series of forums to explore and discuss issues of inequality. The purpose of the forums is part of a greater effort the PSE has undertaken, developing the first Metro Atlanta Equity Atlas (MAEA) using maps, data and narrative to tell the story of spatial injustice in the Metro-Atlanta region. Staff in the Office of Government and Community Relations will moderate upcoming forums, and lead the community engagement process of this effort. Partnership for Southern Equity (PSE) is a broad dynamic network of organizations and individuals committed to promoting equitable development and shared prosperity in the metropolitan Atlanta region. Through forums, research, and organizing efforts, PSE brings together the regional community to lift up and encourage just, sustainable, and civic practices for balanced growth and opportunity. For more information on PSE
click here.
Mayor’s Youth Program
This summer five Atlanta Public School students are working on Tech’s campus through an initiative with the City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office and the Atlanta Workforce Development Agency Youth Department. The Mayor’s Youth Program provides youth with work readiness skills in a professional environment as well as academic enrichment that will assist and prepare them for future employment. Youth work a full 40 hours per week for up to eight weeks until August 10.
The Urban League, Project Ready
The Office of Government and Community Relations is hosting 20 high school students from Atlanta Public Schools, Benjamin E. May's H.S. in partnership with the Urban League of Greater Atlanta. The program, Project Ready Summer Program, is geared to engage students in a STEM focused service learning project. The students will learn to develop Android Smart phone applications that can serve as a tool to provide homework assistance and time management. The class is taught by a Tech graduate student and will conclude the last week in July.
Tomorrows Luminaries Foundation
This summer, Tomorrow's Luminaries Foundation is hosting 175 high school students for an intensive seven week SAT preparatory series in the Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons. The class is a 32 hour course administered by trained instructors that will guide students through the SAT multiple choice and essay sections. The Tomorrow's Luminaries Foundation is a non-profit organization started by two former Georgia Tech students, that strives to develop youth into global leaders that can positively impact their community and society. Classes commence August 11. For more information, contact Kelli Stancil at