Your skills and experience have got you this far. Don't stop when you get to Uni.
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Student Ambassadors
If you're interested in volunteering, don't stop when you get to University

Volunteering is an excellent way to meet new people and gain transferable skills. So we're inviting you to become a Student Ambassador when you start in September and help promote your University to new students.

As a reward for your help, we can offer some great incentives such as accreditation for nationally recognised volunteering awards.

We need your help to:
  • Lead campus tours on Open Days and other events
  • Direct visitors around our campuses and answer their questions
  • Show visitors around your house/hall of residence
  • Give presentations to visitors about what it's like being a student at Chester

Did you know that the University of Chester has one of the highest levels of graduate employment in the North West?

By getting involved in this scheme you are helping to build your CV with skills that employers really value and get your graduate career off to a great start.

RegisterIf this sounds like something you'd be interested in, register your interest and we'll be in touch with more information.

Contact Us:
01244 512800
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