Hey <<First Name>>, are you ready for the new term? Here's your big, back to shcool issue of Directive...
issue three | back to school

Hi <<First Name>>,

The European Championships are a distant memory, the Olympics are over for another four years, you've returned from your all-too-brief trip to the sun and your tan has already faded.

Yeah, the so-called Irish “summer” is all but done and it's 'back to school' time.

Don’t worry. There’s no need to go scrambling for text books, 2B pencils, shatter-proof rulers, compasses, protractors, scientific calculators or those fancy four-colour pens.

No, everything you need for your direct marketing master class is right here. Best of all, you don't even need to cover Directive with old wallpaper.

This semester we’ve got lessons about the Irish motor industry, direct mail response mechanisms, tracking telephone responses to your campaigns, using personalised URLs, building your own websites and data from Census 2011. Make sure you read them all carefully; they may pop up on the Christmas exams.

Get learning,


P.S. Unlike Ruairi Quinn, we don't have to worry too much about class sizes so please feel free to forward this issue on to your friends. Just click here.
Right of Reply
A look at the many response mechanisms available to the modern direct marketer
Direct mail is all about getting a response, so make it easy for your audience to respond. The response...(more)
Right of Reply - Direct Mail Services - Dataconversion Direct
DIY Websites
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Counting Calls
Accurately record the telephone response generated by your direct marketing campaigns
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PURL & Simple
Personalised URLs are surprisingly rare in Ireland but Purlém might change things
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Rocky Road
These are tough times for the Irish motor industry but effective CRM could help dealers
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This is Ireland
The CSO released ‘This is Ireland – Highlights from Census 2011 Part 2'.
This is the second publication which looks at the results of Census 2011 and it provides a veritable feast of...(more)


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