Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 
1 Thessalonians 5:11
A Monthly Devotion written by a WELS/ELS pastor’s wife with some encouraging updates, prayers & news.
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“For the LORD you God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete.”  Deut. 16:15

This portion of Scripture is some of Moses’ last words to the Israelites.  He was restating the law of God for his people in fervent prayer that they would not turn from their LORD.  Here, Moses talks about the harvest that came just before the Feast of Tabernacles.  The Israelites would gather the harvest and remember how God took care of them. 
God reminds us of that very same thing.  Fall is a busy time for many.  If you garden, there’s the harvest and the preserving and the canning.  If you have young children, there’s school, sports and other extra curricular activities.  And of course, for all of us, there’s the regular daily grind of living the life of a Pastor’s family.  Certainly, that is busy! 
We are tempted to get frustrated, stressed or just plain angry about the duties that keep us so busy.  Yet God intends for our tasks to be a joy for us and a benefit for his Kingdom.  Our daily activities are opportunity to serve him and share his gospel message with others. 
Through the Deuteronomy verse, God reminds us he will bless all our work for him!  Then our joy will be complete.  Complete joy when we see a tiny baby brought by his parents to the baptismal font to be washed with water and the Word.  Complete joy when you hear little ones reciting passages in the Christmas service.  Complete joy when you see a teenager bring a friend to church.  Complete joy when you hear Grandpa process his faith on his dying bed.  
God will bless you and all the work with your hands—whether it’s in direct connection with church, or being at home with the precious children he gave you, or being in the work place—all places we can share Jesus’ love with others.  And your joy will be complete!  

Ask The Lord
Lord, forgive me for getting frustrated and stressed about all the blessings you have given me.  Help me to find joy in all the ways you have given me to serve through my family, with my friends, and in all the work of my hand as we look toward Your final Harvest.  Amen.

Paula Sulzle

Upcoming Renewals

Deadline Sept 12th - Bought By Christ
October 12-13, 2012 - Maple Grove, MN

Earlybird deadline Sept 1st -Sweet Are Your Words
November 2-3, 2012 - Oshkosh, WI

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Christian Wedding Planner

Just Out!  The 3rd Edition of Together in Christ
Take a look at this wonderful resource for planning a Christian Wedding with it's focus on the worship service and marriage.
Also available - Together In Christ "kit" for churches.

Early bird



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