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New Zealand [Startup Digest]

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Welcome to the New Zealand [Startup Digest]

For newcomers: [Startup Digest] started in Silicon Valley and has already attracted over 20,000 subscribers and received endorsements from some of the most high profile entrepreneurs and venture capitalists in Silicon Valley - many of whom have encouraged us to expand the list to New Zealand because they believe that there is a massive amount of unrealized potential in the startup world here. We couldn't agree more.

You can also get New Zealand event updates, local start-up commentary and links to our innovators forum discussion through Twitter @IONTweets

New Zealand [Startup Digest] is curated by:
Paul Spence begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
& @GeniusNet

Table of Contents:

  1. Highlighted Events
  2. Contact Info

Highlighted Events

Friday, April 9 - Lean Startups Wellington - Social Event
Friday, April 9 - Bill Payne Visit to Otago University
Tuesday, April 13 - Canterbury Software Cluster – Geeks & Suits Sessions

Upcoming Events

Escalator Power Pitching
Where: Various venues
When: Throughout 2010
More info:

Interactive workshop where you will learn what investors are looking for in an investor pitch. The course helps you to refine your company pitch.

Lean Startups Wellington - Social Event
When: Friday, April 9th at 4.30pm
Where: Creative HQ Incubator, Level 4, 50 Manners Street, Wellington
More info:

The very first Lean Startups meetup event in New Zealand. Get to know others who are involved in startups, investment and business development.

Bill Payne Visit to Otago University
When: Friday, April 9th at 12.45pm
Where: Commerce Room 203, Otago University, Dunedin
More info:

Visiting U.S. angel investor Bill Payne drops in for a chat with commerce students at Otago.

Canterbury Software Cluster – Geeks & Suits Sessions
When: Tuesday, April 13th at 5.15pm
Where: Club XO on The Strip, Oxford Terrace, Christchurch
More info:

David Jones from Resolve Digital, a development studio with offices in San Francisco talks about Ruby on Rails and their recently open sourced content manager product, Refinery CMS. TimeFiler CEO Ian Johnson will discuss how corporates are now picking up SaaS products.

Contact Info

Want to promote your event in the Digest? Have any feedback or suggestions?
Email Paul Spence begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting:

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