Jesus said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
~ Matthew 19:26


*Praise for the 'Always' team completing their story training in E. Africa & already sending stories to me!

*Praise for an invitation to teach Sunday school at my church!   An answer to an unspoken prayer!
*Praise for God's answers to prayer requests in my last update to figure out how God is leading my role here at Wycliffe.  Please continue to pray for more answers this week.

*Prayer for more leaders, trainers, consultants to stand in the gap for projects in South Asia.

"The hard work of transformation is founded upon a humility that embraces my own inability to make my life work."
- Sharon Hersh


So, I realized I have just a few months left of my 20's!

A couple of weeks ago, I created a 30by30 list!  Here is a blog post about what I hope to accomplish by my 30th birthday (December 21, 2012!)

Telling the Story

Email received from the new "Always" story team in E. Africa:
"Yesterday my teammate and I had a really good conversation with 'Abraham' (one of our neighbors, who helped put some scripture passages into the 'Always' language).  We talked about following the One who is the only way.  Abraham's response was: "I want to hear stories from the Bible and find out the truth!  Please pray that he follows through with that desire and we are able to help him truly discover Him.'"
Over the past few weeks, I've started to accept a few basic truths: I can't do it all.  I need others in my life.  Sometimes God calls us to endure.  Sometimes He calls us to let go.  No matter what, I am never the one in control.

Although I believe that God is in control and that I am totally dependent on Him, I have been living like I am in control and it all depends on me.

A few close friends (including my friend Lauren- pictured above), scripture, music, authors, and prayer have helped start to get my focus back on the Lord, rather than a job, another person, an organization, or myself.

It is not easy to admit I can't do it all, because that means confessing that I "need" something, or someone else's help!  But it is freeing to know that God already has DONE everything for me.  He wants me to follow Him- not perform for him.

I'm still learning, and gratefully accept your prayers for me as He continues to transform my life.  I am praying the same for you.

"Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church.  Worship is." - John Piper

Recently, I've had 3 opportunities to serve our Father through helping lead worship for groups here at Wycliffe Headquarters.  I've enjoyed toughening up the tips of my fingers through playing my guitar, which reminds me of leading worship for my parent's home group when I was in high school!

These experiences have reminded me that all of life is worship.  All of who we are, and what we do is for God's glory.

Whether living in the states, or overseas; whether pumping gas or programming computers; whether single or married; God has revealed a little bit of himself in each one of us, and is magnified when we reflect that back to him in our words, actions, and most of all- our being.
Copyright © 2012 *Elizabeth Wilson*, All rights reserved.
Elizabeth Wilson
5214 Kempston Drive
Orlando, FL 32812

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