New Jane Davies DVD

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Learn Jane Davies’ high energy approach to: glazing; texturing, spritzing & blotting, painting, mono-printing, spattering, non-traditional uses of the brayer, uses of the gel plate, resists, alcohol, sumi ink, altered paper, staining and layering.
Davies shares her favorite texture making techniques and materials. You’ll learn over a dozen ways to make beautiful paper that will have your own personal touch. She shows you how a simple knowledge of design and color can help you expand your collection of collage papers with personalized, design-enhancing papers. She focuses on color schemes, value contrast, color contrasts, scale and mood.
Davies tackles composition in collage. She does a quick study to demonstrate the grid format and then moves on to a landscape style composition. You hear her describe the rationale of her choices. Seeing Jane Davies in action is fun, enlightening and freeing!
Jane's Teaching Philosophy
I bel
ieve that making art is a journey with very few hand-holds and only a general road map. Each participant has to find his or her own way, while at the same time remain open to learning from others. While I may teach a multitude of techniques, my focus is on the back-and-forth play of spontaneity and intention that characterizes the creative process. I try to pave the way into that precarious I-don’t-know-what-to-do-next zone, where you are challenged to forge a personal path, with guidance, to discover the satisfaction of making art that is truly your own. Cultivating a degree of comfort, or at least willingness, with that awkward territory of not-knowing, is one of the keys to finding your creative edge.
When Creative Catalyst produces a new DVD and sends the master to the duplication house, we offer it at a special $5 off price for those who wish to "Pre-Order" it. Those who "Pre-Order" will receive the first shipments, as soon as they arrive in our warehouse, and receive the special $5 off.