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Chopinov zlati prstan 2012
Chopin Golden Ring 2012

14. septembra 2012 poteče rok za prijavo na pianistično tekmovanje Chopinov zlati prstan. To mednarodno tekmovanje letos že osmič organizira Ustanova Chopinov zlati prstan iz Radovljice, letos ga koprodukcijsko razširjamo še na tretjo kategorijo »historični klavir«, ki bo 30.10.2012 v Slavnostni dvorani na gradu Ptuj na restavriranem historičnem klavirju (And Wittenz) tamkajšnje bogate zbirke instrumentov..
Pri prijavah je še nekaj prostora. Do zdaj potrjeni tekmovalci prihajajo iz Avstralije, Italije, Japonske in Poljske. Žal med njimi ni kandidatov iz Slovenije, kar nekako ni dobro, ker bodo spet očitki, da diskriminiramo domačo sceno. Vesel bom, če udeležbo na tem tekmovanju priporočite mladim talentom, ki jih poznate.

Več informacij
Lepo Vas pozdravljam,
Klemen Ramovš

September 14th 2012 is the closing date for the application to the piano competition – Chopin Golden Ring. This international competition is organised this year for the eighth time by the Chopin Golden Ring Foundation (Ustanova Chopinov zlati prstan) from Radovljica. This year we are expanding it by way of coproduction to a third category – “historical piano”, which is scheduled for October 30th 2012, at the Festival Hall of the Ptuj Castle, on a restored historical piano (And Wittenz) from their rich collection of instruments.

There are still some places left for those who would like to apply. The competitors who have applied so far come from Australia, Italy, Japan and Poland. Unfortunately, there are no Slovenian candidates, which is probably not the best thing, since we can again expect complaints of us discriminating against our local scene. It would please me greatly if you could recommend participating in this competition to the young talents you know.

More information

All the best,
Klemen Ramovš