Peter Glassford

Hello <<First Name>>

This week I realized that we are often out of balance during the Fall season. It is a time for transitions and change. With this comes some adjustment and potential for mistakes.

How are you managing the change ? 

Many of the mistakes I am seeing this year can be expressed in terms of a 'too' statement.

If you find yourself with any of the problems or symptoms below it is time to review your goals for 2013 (you made them right?) and then make sure the actions today, this week, this month are logical steps on that path. 

(*The Athlete Info Form on Smart Athlete Site might be a good place to put down some goals and assess past/future to guide present choices!) 

Too Much

  - Racing - Cyclocross and Marathon (and wedding?) seasons easily bridge the gap between MTB-Road and the next season. Careful you don't spread yourself too thin. 
Training at race intensity and duration can not be done all the time. Challenge your body with variety, change with the seasons. 
  - Rest - Complete rest is required BUT most athletes need only 3-10 days of off time before they proceed to a 'Balance Period' of mixed modal - low intensity training

Too little:

  - Balance Period - After complete rest, the balance period resets our general motivation and movement skills. We want to reach a point of balance before resuming 'serious' training again. 
  - Training - Many healthy athletes with long term goals must be prudent in returning to training based on goals once motivation and energy are superb. 
  - Planning - Make sure whatever you are doing this fall (even taking it easy / riding for fun) is part of a bigger plan. When is goal date to get back training? What are the goal races?
  - Skill Work - 
Now is the time to experiment and learn new things. Do not wait till the spring thinking you will 'forget' . Get faster / smoother / healthier NOW. (Bikeskillsproject?)

Too Soon

   - Resumption of training before motivation and energy are superb will result in submaximal training and results in the next block. Resume/extend the balance or complete rest if required. 
   - Cross training like it is cycling - This is one of the
biggest causes of injuries I see all year. Cyclists trying to do other sports (strength and running and hockey are big ones) . Don't be afraid of 10min jogs or playing/training at 7/10RPE  for several weeks (i.e. the balance period) before getting keen on big weights, awesome hockey games and epic marathons. 


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P.S. If you or friends are wondering how to get started with Smart Athlete using the athlete info form is a great ways to get the conversation started. 

P.S.S. did you check out The Bike Skills Project yet ? I am always looking for subjects, topics, suggestions, critisism and opportunities to help folks out ... Throw me a line please ! 


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