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Center Stage Wellness - Healthy News from Stacy

Sunshine, the week is half over.


What do you need to get done this week?

I've been working with a client who keeps telling me, "I have so much to do, but I keep getting pulled away from my list!"

Your assignment today is easy: Choose ONE thing you need to get done and do that FIRST. That's it. Do it.

No distractions. No excuses. Just do it.

Before you go...

October Unprocessed 2012
Over 6,000 people have taken the October Unprocessed pledge! That's amazing!

If you haven't checked out the challenge, please do! CLICK HERE to read my guest post about the challenges to making dietary change and what to do about it. If it resonates (or you disagree!), please leave a comment on the post. I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments.

Whether you've taken the pledge or not, I have some awesome unprocessed recipes up on the blog for you, too.
Check them out: http://centerstagewellness.com/

Lastly, my "one thing" for the week was to update my program offerings. Time is running out if you want to work with me for 3 months, and I've added a few new options, including shiny new email coaching.
Want to know more, Sunshine? Go here: http://centerstagewellness.com/programs/


P.S. Welcome to all the new subscribers! I'm so happy you're here. Comments or questions? Just click "reply." I love hearing from you.

Load images to see my smiling face!Stacy Spensley supports overwhelmed men and women to pragmatically integrate sustainable, step-by-step diet, mindset, and lifestyle changes so they can feel awesome and kick ass at life. She is professionally bossy and an ardent supporter of the Oxford comma.

Stacy is a healthy life coach, certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and a member of the International Association of Wellness Professionals.

CLICK HERE to learn more about working with Stacy.
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