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According to the EU's new data protection regulation, enforced from the 25 May 2018, how personal data is processed will be shared with the individual who’s data is registered. Such information shall be provided by the person responsible for data at the point of collection, but also when requested by the individual registered.

Be Me Life Coaching's newsletters  will be sent by e-mail. All e-mail addresses are in a mailing list that is stored digitally. In order to send Be Me Life Coaching's newsletters  to you, we sometimes need to process personal information - this happens if the email address contains first and last name and sometimes company name.

The personal data we process is not shared with any external party, but is used exclusively for sending out Be Me Life Coaching's newsletters. Of course, no data will ever be transferred to a non-EU country.

You have the right to contact me in accordance with the Data Protection regulation if you want details about the information we have about you, to request corrections, transfer or to request that I limit the handling of your data, or to request deletion of your information.

I hope you'll enjoy my writings and if you have any questions, comments or requests for specific content, I'd always love to hear from you. 

Kind regards,

Charlotta xx
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