Parra Marist Old Boys

Please help us keep you informed about The Parramatta Marist Old Boys Union, its events and projects by providing us with your contact details and preferences.
  • Your details remain confidential, are subject to our Privacy Policy and will not be made available to other Old Boys or anyone else without your express written consent. 
  • The only required information is your email and first and last name. and your last year at Parramatta Marist. (If not sure you can estimate a year. You can update later.) Other details in the form will help us provide you with the most relevant information to you.
  • You can review and update your details by completing the required fields again. You will be shown a message that you are already registered and an email will be sent to you with a link to update your preferences. Click on that link to review and update your details.
  • If you are changing your email address a new temporary account will automatically be set up. We will later merge the data in the two accounts and update your email address and any other additional and amended data.
  • Where there are checkboxes you can tick as many boxes as applicable.
* indicates required
For formatting please leave a space after the first four numbers
Write Self if you are the Old Boy
If retired add (R)
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