This week on Friday's Fancies! 


Should you need me to link up your post on Friday, schedule your post to go up at 12:00AM EST and send me the image of your outfit board via email. I'll take it from there :) If you would like a personalized banner, please email me--I can make one which matches your blog in the shape of a rectangle or a square!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please send them my way. I am all ears! 

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november 16th - treat time: autumn faves!

this week: autumn faves!

Hello again--and happy Veterans Day! I hope you all had a great weekend, though mine sadly didn't include a bonfire. All of your posts really had me craving s'mores! {You can see all the coziness from our bonfire ready outfits and other goodness here!}

This Friday, we'll serve up our must-have autumn treats before this fall is in the books. Craft your post by picking a treat and then making an outfit inspired by that goodness. Whether its a snack or a drink, you can have lots of fun with this one! {If you need inspiration, check out our favorite summer treats or see these recent guest posts!} Never fear: any post you share about fashion is more than welcome, so please don't feel tied down by the theme!

As always, if you need anything whatsoever, I have you covered. Simply reply to this email with your questions {or theme suggestions} and I'll get back to you. Enjoy your week, fancy ladies! xoxo Alison

P.S. If you need me to pre-link your post, please ensure it is set to post at 12:00am EST.
If you don't know how to schedule your posts, reply to this email + I'd be happy to help!

next week: black friday!

november 23rd - black friday!

Friday, November 23rd marks a shopping "holiday" in the US. Though I'm not sure exactly how I'll "celebrate" this year, I know I will be pulling together a look based mostly on the color black ;) If you'd rather share a Thanksgiving look or something else, you're more than welcome. Fashion posts of all varieties are welcome!

in two weeks: dress yourself!

november 30th - dress yourself

Have you ever been shopping with a friend when they point out a top which is "totally you"? For Friday, November 30th, you'll have your chance to channel you into an outfit. Dress yourself = express yourself!! I'm teaming up for this fun week of Fancies with long-time Friday's Fancies faithful, Julie of Julie Leah. If you had something else in mind, don't worry--all fashion posts are welcome. Consider Friday's Fancies your one stop for fashion at the end of a long week. 
psst: don't forget to use your BLOG NAME when linking up your post on Fridays--it'll help get you all the recognition you deserve for your hard work. Please also use the DIRECT LINK to your post, rather than just the generic link to your blog so that your Friday's Fancies entry will go straight to your posts weeks and months down the line :) And remember: you always have the freedom to create whatever outfit you like--your only requirement is to dream big and not have to worry about the pricetags!

Want to give your blog some polish? Email me!

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