Venus Star Point (TM) is a series of articles and newsletters on the newly introduced Venus Star Point from Venus Star Rising by Arielle Guttman.

Issue #15 - November 2012

10 Days of Ceremony, Celebration and Astrology

It has been written and widely circulated for over a decade now, that the Winter Solstice 2012 - December 21, 2012, marks a special time in the chronology of the Earth.  There is no shortage of literature on this subject, from John Major Jenkins' seminal works: "Galactic Alignment" and "Maya Cosmogenesis 2012", Gregg Braden's many works, including "Fractal Time",  Daniel Pinchbeck's "2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl", "The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies & Possibilities", a compilation, and writings and presentations by Mayan shamans such as the Barrios family, Miguel Angel Vergara and others, we can begin to understand this period as something unique and of course, quite transitional. 

These works have all offered explanations and actual depictions from myth, legend, symbolism, cosmic alignments and what few remaining pieces of literature still exist from the ancient times of what is actually happening at this time. To put it simply, if we are to understand the nature of these times, we are experiencing a very great cycle shift - one that ends a 26,000 year period of time and begins a new one. 

It hardly matters from what reference point one views this transition. Everyone seems to be aware that these times are different, and that we are on the brink of something great – something to be celebrated or something to be feared. Our perspective on this is to celebrate it. Whether we are dealing with ancient Mayan calendars, galactic alignments or choose to bring it down home to our very own solar system - change is afoot. It is here -- in our home solar system -- that the planets Uranus and Pluto (yes, Pluto - still a planet in our view) are coming together in a 90 degree (square) aspect seven times over a four year period - from 2012 through 2015. It is during these seven beats of the drum, as we are calling it, a time to bring people together all over the world to gather in conscious co-creation of these drumbeats. At these gatherings, we provide potent experiences to help one another visualize and focus our intentions on the changes that can come from such a powerful interchange that these planets are offering to us.

It is in this spirit that we bring together astrologers, ceremonialists, intuitives and Mayan day keepers to participate in an offering of several gatherings to commemorate this period. Links are provided below, following each program, regarding how to register or purchase tickets for these events. 

The Santa Fe Astrology Circle, as the sponsor of these events, is pleased to be able to donate a portion of the proceeds to two non-profits - one local and one global: The New Mexico Coalition for Literacy and Global Relief Resources. Please join us in celebrating this special time by attending any of the programs listed here. Come to one, come to all. If you are outside the geographical zone of where these programs are taking place, perhaps you might like to host one of your own in your area. 
2013: The Heart of the Metamorphosis

For 10 days during December, 2012, we will celebrate the Winter Solstice with various programs, ceremonies and events in and around Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Join us for any or all of these!  Updates will be posted on Facebook and at The Santa Fe Astrology Circle website.

12-12-12            CEREMONY AND LUNCHEON

Winter celebration kicks off with a Ceremony and luncheon to be held at BODY in Santa Fe. Tickets available online at: www.Santa Fe Astrology


Join The Santa Fe Astrology Circle for our program: “2013: The Heart of the Metamorphosis, featuring ceremony, astro-drama and astro-talk about the important astrological alignments of 2013, featuring Heather Roan Robbins, Azlan White and Arielle Guttman. To be held at the Santa Fe Center for Spiritual Living, 505 Marquez Place, Santa Fe. 7 to 10 pm; reserved seating available and advanced purchase tickets are discounted.


Take a breather from the holiday madness of the city and the stress going on all around us by joining us in an all-day workshop in a peaceful setting to follow up on embodying the ideas discussed in the 12-14-12 program. Bring your chart to discover what your special role is in the planetary changes that are going on, as well as understanding how this moment of metamorphosis is impacting you. Featuring Heather, Azlan and Arielle and including sacred dance and movement. To be held at The Lucky Bean Café, 500 Montezuma Street in San Busco Market. From 10 – 6, lunch included. Tickets available at:


12-20-12 and 12-21-12        THE WINTER SOLSTICE PROGRAM

We will car-pool to or meet at Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs,( a place of sacred holy water that has been used by the native cultures in the area for over 2,000 years. This extraordinary healing spa and hot springs has been rated among the top 10 in the world. Here we will gather for ceremony outdoors (or indoors depending on weather) to complete the 25-year bridge that was opened on 8-17-87 on The Harmonic Convergence. You are invited to the full program (overnight) or to either of the day-programs. The actual Solstice occurs at 4 am local time on the 21st. while we are asleep. The following morning we will gather for dream sharing, ceremony, soaking, drumming and food. Tickets available at:


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