Proof of Heaven, Norway, Nurses, Frank Tribbe, and Reality Shifts

    You all must know about Eben Alexander, M.D. and his book Proof of Heaven:  A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife.  If you don’t, please go to your nearest bookstore and buy the book.  I know Eben and have participated in the research on his story, that’s why I can talk personal about this one.


    Newsweek Magazine, on October 15th, spread the story big-time with cover and feature article about Eben, what he went through, and his book.  This man contracted a very rare form of spontaneous, bacterial meningitis.  His neocortex was inactivated.  For all extents and purposes, he had no brain.  To quote Eben, “But as far as I know, no one before me has ever traveled to this dimension (a) while their cortex was completely shut down, and (b) while their body was under minute medical observation, as mine was for the full seven days of my coma.”  During those seven days he had a stunning near-death experience with third-party verification of those parts of his scenario  that he could not have otherwise known.  The skeptics trying to tear his case apart, are those who reacted to the Magazine article.  Only in his book is  the rest of the story revealed.  His case has the kind of proof that no reasonable doctor or scientist are argue with.  Because of that, this man will change the world.  Regardless of your belief or disbelief, you can’t pick apart this one.

There is one factual error in the book on page 78, where he states that he was allowed to die harder, and travel deeper, than almost all other NDE subjects.  Almost all?  Well, not exactly true, but sort-of.  Come to find out his editor insisted that this line be in the book, even though Eben did not agree and felt it was a stretch.  Seems to be the way of publishing these days - when in doubt, exaggerate.  There are several who evidenced medical conditions similar to Eben’s.  The record holder I know about is Walter Russell.  I carried some of his case in a number of my books.  You can look it up if you wish on page 129 and 130 of The New Children and Near-Death Experiences.  In a nutshell, Walter’s first near-death experience occurred when he was 7 years old.  It prepared him for the financial disaster his family would soon suffer.  Every seven years after that he had another one, each filling him with more knowledge and guidance, until, at age 49, he was suddenly enveloped within the fullness of cosmic consciousness and left “wholly mind,” dead or nearly dead to his family, his brain non-functional.  For 39 days and nights he existed similarly to how Eben did.  His family was on the verge of committing him to a hospital for the mentally ill and insane when he finally revived.  Eben got his mind back, all his scientific work, his family memories, everything that made him who he was, as well as all the “new stuff” - a new understanding of reality, of spirit, of God.  Water was not that lucky.  He was incapable of language afterward, nor could he even hold a pencil or walk normally.  It took him some time before the world inside his brain returned - along with so much more that eventually he was recognized as a genius specializing in chemistry, physics, and electromagnetics.  He was the first to predict black holes, and had an ongoing correspondence with Albert Einstein.  Read any of his books, especially The Secret of Light or the huge Universal One.  All of his work, his theories, his books, and his scientific experiments came directly in content and power from that 39 days and nights “without a brain, hovering at the edge of death - wholly mind.”  Link to or google him.  He and his wife Lao Russell founded the University of Science and Philosophy.  It exists today only via mail and Internet.  

    Here are two cases, Eben’s and Walter’s, both truly unbelievable, that are proof we are not how our brain defines us or what our culture teaches.  We are unlimited, divine beings who come from a spiritual reality we return to when it is time to cast aside our physical bodies and continue as the soul we always were and still are and will always be.


    I had the privilege and pleasure of keynoting a near-death conference held in Sola Helsefarm, near Stavanger, Norway (on the southeastern coast).  The conference was a huge success, and interest was high - not only in near-death experiences, but in death and dying measures, and in studies and theories about the soul.  This is my second trip to Norway.  The first was ten years ago where I gave talks and workshops on near-death research, mostly in Oslo, afterward wonderful friends drove me north to the Sognefjord where I took the boat at Balestrand to Bergen.  I was raised as a child by a Norwegian couple, whose family had come from the Sognefjord.  To actually be there was for me the culmination of a childhood dream. Now I was once again back, but to a different part of  Norway, even more vibrant and exciting.

    Sola Helsefarm is a remodeled and rebuilt structure that was turned into a Center for health and healing classes and sessions, spiritual growth, organic foods, meditation, and holistic lifestyles by Wenche Miles and Rolf Helge Lerang.  They followed their dreams and intuition in building construction, winding up with an extraordinary example of fine craftsmanship and spiritual realities.  The three-day affair arranged/produced by Christian Paaske, featured:

. . . Jon Schau, a popular standup comedian, who learned a lot from dying and having a
    near-death experience.  Now he approaches laughter in a new way.

. . . Terje Toftenes, an expert filmmaker who has featured DVDs on such subjects as near-
    death, death and dying, the soul, and (wouldn’t you know it) UFOs.

. . . Rune Amundsen, the father of near-death research in Norway.  If you don’t know about
    Rune, you should.  On page 232 of my book Near-Death Experiences:  The Rest of
    the Story, I carry a brief rendition of what happened to Rune after he wrote a book
    about his research.  Like many of the early pioneers in the field, he paid dearly for his
    work - losing his job, his license as a practicing psychologist, being sued twice, and
    nearly losing his mind.  It took him years to understand why he was so opposed and
    to heal himself.  I am very happy to say he was honored at the conference as a hero
    in the field of near-death studies.  His book has been reprinted and is once again for
    sale - in Norwegian.  No English translation yet.

. . . Audun Myskja, M.D., let it be known, this man is one of the most powerful speakers ever.
    He had many problems in his life, died, had a near-death experience, and returned to
    face the full range of physiological and psychological aftereffects - which was so
    difficult for him that he promptly went to medical school and earned his M.D. degree.
    He went on to specialize in alternative and complementary healing and music therapy.
    In so doing, he healed himself and is busy showing everyone else how to do the same.
    He has written a number of books (so far, all in Norwegian) that contain his findings.  His
    work is so popular and so effective the entire medical community in Norway is taking
    note, as well as in other countries.  If you want a dynamic speaker at one of your
    conferences, Dr. Myskja would “rock the place.”  He is amazing.

. . . I spoke on the near-death phenomenon itself, the pattern of aftereffects, and on children’s
    cases.  That means I gave three, two-hour talks.  Phew!  An interview of my work was
    done by Jannecke Oinas and can be watched at


    Very few nurses speak up about their stories, about what happens to them when people die or nearly die.  They need to, for their testimonies are invaluable and could make a difference in the psychological and spiritual health of the caregivers themselves.  Paula did just that, and I want you to know what she said.

“Dear Dr. Atwater, I look forward to reading The Rest of The Story, the book you have written.  I am writing to you to ask if your book examines the experiences of health-care professionals who have experienced ANOTHER person’s NDE, or death experience, and who have not ‘gone public’ with it.  Because I am one of these people, an RN with many years of med-surg experience.  I tire of reading books on NDE that do not catalogue or explore ‘supporting’ evidence by people not directly related in the NDE.  While these ‘support’ experiences are few and far between, I believe they toss the usual ‘it’s an internal working of the mind’ conclusions onto their ear.  While working a busy day-shift in a small hospital (125 beds), on the medical floor one day, one of my patients who was expected to expire, did, and I experienced the most striking experience while pronouncing her.  I have only had that experience one time, and I have ‘pronounced’ many people over the years who have passed on.

This experience was a defining moment in my career.  In fact, after I experienced it, I felt that this event was the ONE reason I was an RN, although the benefits were many.  While I will not elaborate here, in the interest of not taking up too much time, I will tell you that as I stood at her bedside, nobody else in the room, I was able to ‘Hear” her ‘crossing over’ while I had my doppler stet on her carotid artery.  I am not insane, so far as I have been told.  I was not taking any kind of meds or drugs.  I was not dehydrated, nor did I have any expectation of that which I experienced.  In short, it was a VERY real experience, and one of the most amazing moments of my 55 years of life to date.  

“Thus, I am always very interested when I read that someone has written a definitive tome lauded to be an authority on NDE.  I am constantly looking forward to reading about experiences like mine, coming usually from health-care providers - but very rarely reported, out of fear, I suppose.  Yet, I just don’t find them.  Because HER experience did not come from within ME, but I witnessed it, I want to know what the recognition of this same phenomenon will do to the concept of NDE, and is it merely an internal function of the human brain.  I am convinced, due to my experience with her, that it is an external phenomenon - not generated  from within the near-dead brain.  It thus deserves the highest regard by those fortunate enough to hear people’s experiences shared with them.  Thank you for your attention.  Paula”

    To all you health-care providers out there - nurses, orderlies, doctors, assistants in every regard to the health/healing/death processes - share your stories.  You can send them to IANDS (International Association For Near-Death Studies) at or to me and I’ll see to it that this information gets passed on to the right people.  Paula is right.  Stories of health-care professionals are seldom heard.  Perhaps there’s someone reading this newsletter who would like to take this on as a project.  If this is you, let me know.


The late Frank Tribbe was well-known for his work in parapsychology, spirituality, and religious lore/realities.  He authored The Holy Grail Mystery - Solved, The Arthur Ford Reader, Spirit Images, Portrait of Jesus, and I, Joseph of Arimathea.  He also was the long-time editor of Spiritual Frontiers, the journal of Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship.  The research papers and draft notes of his many writing projects are available to people interested in obtaining them for study and possible research followup or guidance.  This service is free; there is no charge.  The cost of postage will be covered for U.S. mailings.  For more information, write to:  John White, 60 Pound Ridge Road, Cheshire, CT 06410.


    Near-death experiencer Cynthia Sue Larson has just come out with a new book:  Reality Shifts:  When Consciousness Changes the Physical World!

Cynthia says that when you read her book, you will learn how to:

. . .  live lucidly to create a life you love
. . . positively influence the future and the past
. . . transform sabotaging beliefs into strengths

Cynthia was a child experiencer of a near-death state, who has gone on to use the creativity and knowing she gained in both science and the practical world.  She publishes an e-zine newsletter that is endlessly fascinating, has authored a number of other books, and gives great talks and workshops. Contact her through and find out how to purchase this, her latest book, and how to subscribe to her e-zine.  Her work is really quite remarkable!


Please do all you can to help the people in New York, Maryland, New Jersey,

and any place else damaged by Hurricane Sandy and the Nor’easter which

followed.  Our country has had a rough time of late, following on the heels

the election.  Mercury went retrograde Election Day and will not go forward

again in direct motion until the Full Moon of November 28th.  Be patient.

Don’t push.  Be as objective as you can.  We’re all in this together, and we

help each other.  In that spirit, have a blessed Thanksgiving.  Keep in mind

this quote from Rabindranath Tagore:  “Let me not pray to be sheltered from

           dangers, but to be fearless in facing them.”  Blessings to all, PMH
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