¡Feliz Navidad! de Mission Erickson en Guatemala.

This Christmas season, the Erickson family prays that you will enjoy Christmas complete with all of it's wonder and merriment. And that you will "grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:18-19)

Four Called Birds

With our oldest, Katey, working hard at Wheaton College near Chicago, we are down to four of us here in Guatemala serving. With each day we are confirmed in our calling to live and serve here with Redeemers House, International. God continues to encourage us in our individual talents and in this great opportunity to minister together as a family.

Three Great "Ins"

On most days we are the only gringos wandering around the village of Santiago Zamora. It may not seem like we belong there, but we are representing Jesus by working with kids in our weekly VBS, teaching English to both kids and adults and seeking to meet needs as we go deeper in our village relationships.

Two Still in Love

On the 30th of next month, Maureen and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. It seems like just yesterday that we were looking up to couples who had been married 10 or 15 years and remarking how long that seemed.

Our first 25 has flown by and we are eagerly looking forward to what God will do in and through the next 25...

And a Country in Great Need.

The gap between the rich and the poor seems to increase daily here in Guatemala. The poverty and resulting malnutrition continues to spread. The corruption in the government and the struggling education system do not provide much hope.

But there is a Savior, born in a manger long ago, who knows Guatemala's needs and knows each of the struggling students and malnourished babies by name. He loves them beyond measure and desires for their voices to be heard. Thanks for your help in supporting us as we strive to represent Jesus well in our work and relationships here in Guatemala.

¡Feliz Navidad!
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