Merry Christmas!

PLEASE click below for my:

Winter Newsletter!

(It may take a second to load - but will eventually appear as a PDF file online!)

Included are: pictures, and stories about ESL ministry, how God is building me into who He wants me to be, and about my new role with Wycliffe!

(In my newsletter, I mention that I need $300/month more in support, but since creating the newsletter, I received some contributions, so now I only need $90.00/month more!)

I am at 97% of my financial support!  Praise the Lord!!  If you are interested in partnering with me, let me know!!

The above picture represents just some of the team (as they were introduced to Wycliffe staff in Orlando) who will be traveling to St. Louis for the Urbana Missions Conference.

Urbana is one of the largest missions conferences in the world.  17,000 + people will gather in one place to learn, promote, and join God's vision for the world.  Wycliffe has invited me (for the second time!) to help represent God's work through Bible Translation!

I will leave the day after Christmas, and be in St. Louis through New Years, serving with Wycliffe's Urbana team.

I'm very excited to have my sister Natalie join me - since she is a freshman at the University of Delaware and will get to experience the conference for the first time, just like I did when I was a freshman at UD!


May you enjoy this season celebrating our Savior's birth!

For His Glory, and until ALL have heard,

~ Elizabeth

Copyright © 2012 Elizabeth Wilson, All rights reserved.

Contact Information:
9123 Hastings Beach Blvd
Orlando, FL 32829
(302) 229-9695

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