Johnna Arnold - Winter Updates 
Hello Friends -
A busy winter season is upon us. I wanted to let you know about a few things that I have going on in the near future. 
In that the future is now, I have two new photos up at Miami Project this weekend as part of the Miami Art Fair. They are at the Traywick Contemporary booth # 815. Being that I am busy holding down the colder fort here in Oakland, please let me know how things look if you happen to be deluged in art and warmth instead. 
To See: The image above shows five of my new photos in Nothing to See Here at the San Francisco Art Commission Gallery. The show is up through January 27th - but time is slipping away quickly (and they are closed for a few weeks during the holidays) so don't hesitate to visit. The gallery is right in the heart of San Francisco on Van Ness across from City Hall. There will be a closing panel discussion involving myself and photographer Josh Band in conversation with Landscape Architects and Designers being figured out now. Check my blog or the SFACG website in a few weeks for for the time and date of this exciting conversation. 
T-Shirts! Just in time for this winter-giving-season. 
For a few years I have been silk-screening images of freeway intersections onto (high-quality organic) t-shirts at different events. I have now made a small batch of them available for purchase through my website here. Click on the little "i" at the bottom of the screen to get info (such as size) about each shirt. If you order by December 12th, I will get them in the mail and delivered by the 24th. For the last-minute local shopper, or if the web site gives you any trouble, just send me a message and I bet we can work something out. 
I have a few new classes coming up (as well as a few good old ones) that I am pretty excited about.

The newest addition is a ten-week-long course on digital photography as part of the San Francisco Art Institute Continuing Education program. The class will meet Saturday mornings starting in February; I am so excited to be working with the same students for a longer period of time. As a beginner-level class we'll start at the beginning - delving into both the technical and artistic aspects of photography along the way. Click here for more information: Photography at SFAI ACE (I am teaching section 2)

Meanwhile, I also have a new course coming up at Rayko. The Personal Projects in Photography class is designed to help photographers find and develop a theme for a body of work. Class discussion and technical tips will be a big part of the learning. This five-week intensive assumes you a basic understanding of photography, and are ready to move ahead. 

And not to be forgotten, my tried-and-true Digital Photo One and Digital Photo Two courses at Rayko are running throughout the spring. I have figured out ways and means by which to keep the information flowing while keeping the eyes from glazing over. Come try. 

All of these classes are designed for anyone with a camera and a desire to get to know it better - feel free to tell a friend. 
Most of you know that I have been documenting artwork for many years now. It is always interesting to see new work, and nicely challenging to find ways to document the work accurately. In the past few years I have been documenting works for S.F. MoMA, the Wattis Institute, Contemporary Jewish Museum, and Christie's, as well as for individual artists, galleries, and collectors. There are example images on my web site herehere, and here. If you or someone you know is looking for a photographer, I am always interested discussing new projects. Send me an email: j-at-johnnaarnold . com
And lastly - yes, my email formatting has gotten an official upgrade. You can now subscribe, unsubscribe, alter your profile, all sorts of fancy things. My plan is to send about four of these updates out each year. The good news is that you can still hit "reply" and indeed, send me a good old message back involving your thoughts, however messy and un-formatted they may be. So, please don't let the officialness keep you from writing - anytime. 
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