Titan Times | SMHS Class of 1962 | December 2012

Letter from Martin

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous New Year!


I hope your holiday season got off to a great start during the Thanksgiving weekend. While seeing or visiting with family and friends over the coming weeks, please consider getting in touch with an SMHS '62 classmate.  Place a call to someone you haven't communicated with since the reunion, or perhaps one who was unable to attend.  This is a great time to continue the reconnections started in September or initiate new ones.

It's obvious that we want our Class of 1962 (Yes, Boni, and the "Carver kids" too) to stay in touch. It is often mentioned how special, unique and fortunate it was to have grown up in San Marino where we established our high school and individual class traditions, lasting friendships and memories. Now, a half century later, we want you to sustain those bonds. 

Our next major gathering - a septuagenarian class birthday party sometime in 2014 - is on the table. First, we need your contribution to the Reunion Book.

Reunion Book

Saturday, January 5
is the deadline to get your story and pictures to us.

Please provide

  • Your favorite memories from San Marino High School.
  • An account adventures, education, family, career, travel – those highlights in your life
  • Please e-mail your material to Jeanie, or "snail mail" items to her at 23 Finca, San Clemente CA 92672.
  • Check out a sample page. Click here or visit
SMHS 1962 Reunion Team
Vicky, Martin, Jeanie and Boni, your Reunion Team

Martin Udell
Home 626.796.6620 
Mobile 626.390.0034
1127 E. Del Mar Blvd. #421
Pasadena CA 91106

Boni Engen
Mobile 562.208.1293

Found classmates! 
Vicky Taylor 714.962.8133

Web and Memories
Jean Cook Braun [Macbeth] Braun
23 Finca San Clemente CA 92672
Mobile  415.519.9468

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