Butterfly BusBuCClFree FlyingFree FlyingFirst Snow on Pikes PeakPumpkin CarviCOVerVGinger in TexasAAAAArtist in Residenc eA Artist Artist in Residence
I am thrilled to be back in beautiful Breckenridge, CO as their Guest Artist for December and very lucky to have our daughter Lisa sharing this special time with me. We are staying in the historic Tin Shop shown above with Christmas lights and mountains in the background. I will be teaching several workshops and painting up a storm!
Invited Back To Breckenridge Watercolor Collage WorkshBatik & Collage Workshops
Breckenridge, CO
While I am staying in the Tin Shop in Breckenridge, CO I will be teaching two one day workshops on Watercolor Batik & Collage. I am excited to be able to share and create with a wonderful group of artists - always inspiring to experience creativity in a group!
Martha's Monthly Giveaway!
Each month one of my newsletter subscribers will win a free art giveaway. The winner for this month will receive a print of SUNFLOWER COLLAGE shown above. Make sure you are eligible by signing up to receive my newsletter - you just might be the next winner!! Go to my blog to subscribe.
Featured on Etsy
COLORADO WINTER - 11x15 Acrylic - $70
I don't often switch over to acrylics but enjoyed using them in this winter scene - nice to be able to add white paint on top of darks for a change of pace.
You can see this painting and many more in my Etsy Shop.
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Are you receiving my blog in your email inbox? I post all sorts of new paintings and news several times a week. You can subscribe to my blog by scrolling down the right side of it - click here.
Watercolor Collage Workshop
Sunflower Barn
Sat Jan 19, 2013 - 9:30 to 3:30- Colorado Springs, CO
Combine watercolor and collage for added creativity and texture. We will paint tissue and rice papers for collage. Paint sunflowers and a barn or a design or your own. For more info click here
For more info about this workshop and other go to
Extend Your Creative Borders
We are conditioned to paint inside the lines so a fun way to stretch your creative muscles is to extend your composition out into the border of your painting. For this rose watercolor I used a light blue background leaving a white border all around the paper. Then, as I painted the roses, I let the petals and leaves extend out to the white areas, creating a unique compostion.
ROSES IN BLOOM - 11x15 watercolor available here
Purchase info new approach. new It Itow that evening finished work displayed in a show that evening. I must admit that I am more of a studio paintiner the beautiful mountain town of Breckenridge, CObe I was lucky enough to spend the weekend in beautiful Breckenridge, CO with some of my art
Daily Paintworks Auctions
I decided to experiment with combining acrylics with some collage in this semi-abstract approach to geraniums in flower pots - alot of fun!
GERANIUM COLLAGE 14x20 is available thru my Art Auctions on Daily Paintworks here
From My Website
One of my smaller paintings, this 8x10 will easily fit a standard 11x14 mat and frame.
SIMPLICITY - Available on my website
Watercolor - Sold!
COLORFUL MARSH - 11x15 watercolor has a new home in New Hampshire.