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Business Needs More Art Like More Art = More Inspiration on Facebook  

I just secu­red the URL, I deci­ded that it is so core to our purpose, that I wanted to “own” the thought, “Busi­ness Needs More Art”, apro­pos to the the idea I’m always rif­fing on.

So what’s the gaping­void MISSION? It's about change, motivating people, helping businesses kick butt. The question is always: How? What are the tools that enable this to happen?

Answer, Part one: Bringing art to the busi­ness world - Art on walls. Pretty simple, eh?
This is exactly what we’ve been doing these last few years. Com­pare our work, to what you usually see when you goo­gle “Office Art”. All the lat­ter seems to offer is REALLY bland stuff, (or worse) with only the usual 'free shipping", "buy now", "frame for less", yada yada, to dif­fe­ren­tiate them­sel­ves from the next guy.
I like asking the question: What would happen if you could buy some art for your office that actually changes how people think about their work? Motivated them to work smarter, engage more deeply, have richer brainstorms? How long would it take to get a substantial return on a rather modest investment?
I'll say it again, a core mis­sion of gaping­void, is to bring more Art into the world of business.

And as the car­toon above demons­tra­tes, it’s not just about deco­ra­ting offi­ces, but hope­fully igni­ting something, hel­ping busi­nes­ses fin­ding, kno­wing and expres­sing their “Pur­pose” bet­ter. Which helps the bot­tom line in the end. Exactly.

Busi­ness needs more art. You’re either with us or against us. Rock on.

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Valid from January 2-7 2013

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