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J Stamp

Bali Report Numero Uno! 

Hi Everyone, 

I am writing to you from Kafe on Hanuman Road in Ubud, Bali. Known for "great music, healthy foods, yummy desserts and true espresso" you can see why this particular spot sings to me! 

I'm a little over a week in to my expedition, and things are finally starting to feel normal. I resume coaching calls tomorrow, I found a place to stay with great Internet, and I'm taking regular yoga classes at The Yoga Barn, a two-story mecca over looking a rice field. 

But that's not to say working from an exotic place -- even one like Bali -- is altogether heavenly either. It can be very hot and humid, there are lots of bugs, and being alone is an invitation for ALL the thoughts and feelings that have been bubbling up to come rushing in. 

Bali is known for it's healing quality -- the energy here is incredibly positive, radiant and peaceful -- but to heal also means confronting wounds, ideas and fears that are no longer serving us. More on that in a future newsletter…for now I'm sorting through it slowly through journaling, meditation, and dropping my laptop and swearing profusely, huffing and puffing with displaced frustration. So yeah, the feelings don't all get sorted out neatly either :) 

What are the actual costs of spending a month in Bali?

Today I thought it would be interesting to break down the ACTUAL costs of doing something like this. For many people who have the desire to work abroad, there seem to be a few primary obstacles: 

  1. The ability to work remotely OR take a sabbatical from your full-time gig
  2. The cost
  3. Fears -- it can be an overwhelming decision to just pick-up and move to a foreign country for a month or more. 
  4. {Fill in} anything that I might be missing :) 

Today we'll address #2 -- with some hard facts about the cost of doing this, who knows -- those of you who have the itch might just find a way to resolve the other concerns! 

Here's the breakdown of the basic costs (excluding touristy excursions, purchases): 

  • Flights: $720 each way on EVA air from SFO --> DPS (Denpasar). Total: $1,440, though I used airline miles to book the return flight. 
  • Cab fare: $30 each way to and from Ubud (about an hour away). Total: $60
  • Room and Board: I've found a great spot with free WiFi, air conditioning and daily housekeeping literally next door to The Yoga Barn for just $30/night. You can get cheaper if you stay farther away or in a place with slightly fewer amenities, or you can certainly pay more. This totals $900 if you stay for 30 days. 
  • Food: It varies from spot to spot, but last night I had a traditional Balinese dish for dinner, Nasi Goreng (fried rice with egg and two chicken satay skewers) and a watermelon juice for $6.50. Breakfast today was a cappuccino  pineapple juice and veggie scramble for $9. The most I've paid for a meal was $20, but that was at a touristy spot and included three courses and two drinks. Hey -- I was starving from two full days of travel! Let's just say a per diem of $20 would be $600 for the month. 
  • Time: As there is always an opportunity cost of missed work, plan on spending at least 2 days traveling, 2 days recovering from jet lag, and 2 days figuring out where to work and how to get around. 

TOTAL COST: $3,000

So you can see that it IS a large sum of money, but for one month it's not devastating to the bank account IF you are able to finagle a few things:

  • Rent out your place or are in-between living arrangements
  • Ask for a gift of miles from a well-traveled loved one (or use your own)
  • Share accommodations with someone while you're here
  • Earn income abroad that will go farther here than in the states 
  • Live somewhere even cheaper in Southeast Asia like Chiang Mai, Thailand -- where a four course meal will set you back about $15 and rent is more like ~$400/mo.
  • It also starts to make more sense if you stay for longer than one month to amortize the travel costs across a longer period of time (IF you are able to save on rent back at home).
Living here was my BHSG that at one time seemed utterly, ridiculously, absurdly out of reach. But with some number crunching, logistical planning and fear dismantling, I am actually here, writing to all of you. 

So what do you think? Ready to set your BHSG travel goal?!
Speaking of which...a quick note on MSH

I'm gearing up to re-launch my 10-week Make Sh*t Happen course next week (ack! lots to do!) and I have set a high bar to fill 50 spots, hopefully with the help of my first-time affiliate program…I will report back on how that goes! 

If any of you are thinking about joining, feel free to reply and let me know if you have any questions. I'm warning you though, once you do sign-up, you're stuck with me!! I'll be your champion far beyond the course itself. Course enrollment ends on Sunday, Jan. 21, and is first-come first-served for the first 50 people. 

I believe in this program wholeheartedly, and know that it can help you do absolutely anything you set your mind to. Just ask Melissa, Shannyn or Emily who all wrote amazing reviews this month :) 


Final thoughts

That's it for now . . . THANK YOU again for reading, for your support, and for being part of this new adventure with me.

And please feel free to reply and say hello any time! I would also love to hear what's on your mind and what questions you have so that I can address them in future newsletters :) 


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