Welcome to the first issue of our

Welcome to the first issue of our e-newsletter,
Points of Land. Notes from the Wek’èezhìı Renewable Resources Board! We’re excited about letting you know about our work and our involvement with various wildlife issues and projects. We've also been updating our website and will continue to add to it with new information, photos and stories --and we're working on our new Facebook page. Visit us on Facebook by clicking on the button here or on our website.
We've featured a few news stories here. You can find more on our website at
wrrb.ca. In this issue, we go from tundra to watershed and from bison to boreal caribou, tracking some of the WRRB's activities over the past few months.
We hope you enjoy our newsletter. Let us know what you think or if you have any story ideas for a future issue. We welcome photo submissions that will help us tell our story.
In the meantime, find out where our newsletter's name came from
Photo Caption: WRRB Board members from left to right: Charlie Jeremick'ca, Bruce MacDonald, Grant Pryznyk, Jonas Lafferty, Joseph Judas (Chair), Archie Wetrade, Charlie Rabesca, Steven Matthews.
See story below for a photo of our newest Board member Suzanne Carrière.