Chocolate lovers take heart this Valentine's Day.
namaste nutrition - yoga, nutrition & mindful eating from Diana Cullum-Dugan

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Chocolate lovers take heart 

The number one "I won't give that up" when clients want healthier eating habits is chocolate. My female clients tell me they would die without chocolate - especially around that 'time of the month.' A friend lost so much weight over a few months and her secret? "I allow myself one Trader Joe's dib chocolate bar a day," she told me. That lessened the feeling of deprivation and dibs weigh in at only 130 calories (they are really cute, tiny chocolate bars). Eaten mindfully, it takes a while to eat it all. Very satisfying. 

Melted chocolate

Chocolate indulges. And makes cakes zing, cookies melt, pie (think Mississippi Mud Pie) decadent. S'mores are a campers delight. Drizzle melted chocolate over yogurt, dip strawberries and bananas into it. Chocolate rocks. Yet most chocolate desserts are fat- and sugar-filled disasters to our health.

Research. So of course, someone did a chocolate study. To see if it might possibly maybe just a teeny weeny bit be OK for us. What they came up with has 2 sides. Dark chocolate (65% or higher cacao content) was shown to lower blood pressure, reduce heart disease, and decrease insulin (meaning blood sugar is normalized). The challenges with studies are some were long, some short term, some used cocoa powder, others dark, milk or white chocolate. Most measured results against eating 100 grams of chocolate a day - that's 500 or more calories in chocolate! Those calories had to be cut from more nutritious selections.

Bottom line: One way I satisfy chocolate cravings is pouring a pack of Cocoa Via (extracted flavanols from cocoa) into warmed soy milk. It's a delicious, low calorie path to heart health. To satisfy your sweet tooth this Valentine's Day, have a couple of nibbles of a really good, high quality dark chocolate (more flavonoids and polyphenols, heart-healthy antioxidants and less fat). Know that you may be doing your heart good in many ways. 

Love to all this Valentine's Day hugging into National Heart Month,

Cookie of Childhood

3-hour Intro to Mindful Eating

OK, I listen. Takes me a while to get it all together but it's done. A 3-hour Intro to Yoga for Mindful Eating is coming your way. Save the date!

April 6, 1-4pm
Samara Yoga Studio / 249 Elm St. / Davis Square / Somerville MA
Here's what we'll experience:
  • 90-minute yoga practice (open level) ending with restorative poses
  • Skills to turn down the noisy inner critic that dulls your senses to what your body wants
  • Meditation to bring more curiosity to your path, confidence and clarity around your choices, and creativity along the way
  • Journaling to focus on your inner experiences (bring notebook and pen)
  • Techniques that lead to a mindfulness-based approach to eating
Join me as we begin the journey of self-acceptance and mindfulness.

Call or email if you have questions. 
Yoga and Weight Loss
Ready to dive into an instant feeling of wholesomeness? Whole foods are nutrient dense and when we take them in, they begin to weave an optimal tapestry of vitality. On May 14th, I'll join you for a 5-week integrative nutrition program aimed to jumpstart your path to wellness. Many participants share they do lose weight but this isn't geared as a quick fix but as a long term solution to combat fatigue, flu/colds, high cholesterol and blood pressure. Learn the basics and simplicity of eating close to the earth, fresh, wholesome foods instead of processed and pre-packaged foods that quite literally, lead to even greater diminishment in your health. Includes nutrition information, exercise recommendations, and nutritionally complete menu plan designed for you and your family. More details!

Beat the Belly Fat!
Blast belly fat! Put insomnia to rest. Cool hot flashes. Calm irritability. Brighten up depression. Sharpen your memory. Reduce risk of osteoporosis and heart disease. In this Women Embracing Change weekend, get ready to up the ante on skills to manage the host of hormonal changes to your body, mind and soul with active and restorative yoga and sound nutrition. Body/Mind Studio at 118 Main Street, Watertown Square. March 15-17th, $185 for entire weekend (early bird discount by Feb 28th, $200 after. Can also attend individual sessions). More info with one click! Co-taught by Deb Neubauer and Diana Cullum-Dugan. Ample parking. Restaurants and coffee shops nearby.
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23 Main Street
Watertown MA 02472
(617) 678-0607

Crack this Nut!

Which nut scores highest in health-protective antioxidants? a. almond, b. pecan, c. hazelnut, or d. walnut. According to a University of Scranton study, it's the wonderful walnut. Besides banana nut bread, toss a few on a salad, eat plain as a snack, stir into low-fat Greek yogurt, or chop into rice and quinoa salads. To release their flavor full-fold, toast them in a dry skillet for a few minutes, shaking the pan constantly to prevent burning.