SSCV's core C3 values are Character, Courage & Commitment.
Athlete Winner: Natalia Tatge

Natalia and her family are new to ski club this season. Her father Luther is a coach with us and her brother Phenix is also in our alpine program. They immediately jumped into ski club going the extra mile. Natalia although a U10, occasionally trains with the U12 girls. The U12's are not only older than Natalia but also bigger and this doesn't deter her one bit. She keeps up with them and has become extremely friendly with her group.
When Natalia gets done training and her dad is still working on BNet, she hangs out near the front office always offering her help with small projects that we may have for her. She absolutely demonstrates character, courage and commitment. Natalia has a one of a kind 8 year old personality.
Staff Winner: Elana Chase
Over the last 6 months Elana has taken on initiative that has had significant impact at SSCV. First, in June she was the driving force for creating our acrobatic features at Mt. Bachelor. SSCV arrived in Bend to a resort completely unprepared for creating the venue needed for the camp. In 4 days she pulled together staff from Bachelor, SSCV, and Vail Resorts to make that camp a reality.
This fall it didn't take more than a casual glance to see that the tramps in Vail were in serious disrepair. E empowered her staff to get the tramps functional for great training. With no outside prompting, she took on the task of building a deck surrounding the tramps to create and attractive, professional, and functional environment to further effectiveness of this training tool.
Finally, SSCV has struggled for a long time in recouping the cost of daily transportation of athletes to Summit County for half pipe and slopestyle training. E put in place a program that has now been copied by other programs to ease the logistics of daily van use and collecting money from athletes.
Thank you to our generous Capital Campaign Donors!

From time to time, SSCV introduces Capital Campaigns to raise funds for specific projects. Over the past year we have completed the Acrobatic Center at VSSA and we are nearly finished with our effort to fund the 22' halfpipe cutter. Additionally, many donors have fulfilled their pledges to support our Human Performance Center, Early Season Training Venue, and Maloit Park Nordic Trails Expansion. Thank you to the following donors who have pledged or contributed funds to our Capital Campaign efforts this 2012-13 season:
Anonymous (6)
The Berger Family
The Biggs Family
Connie and Hobson Black
Amanda and Ben Boyd
Dana and Tom Braun
Burton Snowboards
Michael and Sounia Nejad Chaney
The Chelain Family/The Left Bank
The Clevenger Family
Coudouy Family
Kevin Deighan
The DeLine Family
Jane and Matt Donovan - Vail Honeywagon
Dana and Joel Farkas
Site Resource Management
Karen and Brad Ghent
The Neal Groff Family
The Hardenbergh Family
Dr. James and Mrs. Lynda Harding
Louise and Phil Hoversten
In the Memory of William Oscar Johnson Jr.
Laura Johnson
Glen Johnson
Judi and Adam Leseur
Maria and Steven Kalapos
The Grainger Foundation
Brenda and Jeff Kirwood
Leslie and David Langley
Nash and Halsey Lucas
Linda and Mac McDonald
The Milligan Family
Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc.
Kaia and Misha Moritz
Gaby Morgerman and Kevin Morris
Okurowski Family
Kai Owens
The P'ng Family
Pates Family
Elizabeth Woodhull Perkins
Sara and Aldo Radamus
Annalisa and Adam Savin
The Shankland Family
The Dusty Boot
The Skidmore Family
Stacey Sapp
The Swimm Family
Vail Resorts
Lori and Chuck Wachendorfer