News and events from Jekka's Herb Farm.

Jekka's School

Our 2013 programme aims to provide workshops to suit everyone, whether you are just starting out with a herb garden or you are already a confident gardener looking to broaden your skills in propagation and plant maintenance. Most of our workshops include a practical element and are aimed at a range of different levels of experience. Our new school offers the chance to learn alongside Jekka in the unique setting of her Herboretum, in the beautiful South Gloucestershire countryside.


Success with cuttings and raising plants from seed

Hands on practical workshop with Jekka, 12 places.

Nothing is more inspiring than taking a cutting from a plant, then watching it grow and become identical to its parent. Equally it is quite magical to sow seeds and watch them unfurl into a productive plant. At the end of this day you will be able to take your cuttings and sowings home with you so you can watch this amazing transformation in your own garden.

Book online: 6th April, 20th April

Culinary Herbs

Practical tips on which part to use and how to use culinary herbs in the kitchen 

Practical workshop with Jekka, 14 places.

Herbs have been used throughout the ages to transform a meal into a feast, from a simple broth infused with thyme to béarnaise sauce which is transformed by the use of French Tarragon.  The combination of herbs with food is not only for flavour but also to aid digestion for as Hippocrates said ‘Let medicine be your food and food be your medicine’.

Book online: 3rd May, 29th June

Herb Garden Design

Inspirational ideas on how you can design and control your herb garden

Practical workshop with Jekka, 14 places.

Herb gardens have been part of our heritage for thousands of years. In the beginning they were a source of medicine, and today they are an essential part of the kitchen.

Book online: 13th April, 4th May

A day on the wild side
Wild herbs of the UK.

How to identify and forage native herbs of the UK

Practical workshop with Jekka, 12 places.

The art of being able to identify wild foods has been lost in the UK. Historically it was the source of food for those that lived in the country.  At this workshop you will be able to gain the confidence to be able to identify which wild herbs you can use in the home, it will also give you a greater appreciation of our native floral and the seasonal availability of local food.  

Book online: 15th June

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