Move fearlessly into February with an open heart, compassion and enthusiasm!
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On Loving Ourselves:

I recently read a book (found here) by Kahlil Gibran and I fell in love with the following passage.  I've been dying to share it with you.  I hope you enjoy the beauty of it as much as I have and that we all consciously take a moment to speak to ourselves in the same loving way.

Then He looked at me, and the noontide of His eyes was upon me, and He said,
"You have many lovers, and yet I alone love you. 
Other men love themselves in your nearness.
I love you in your self.
Other men see a beauty in you that shall fade away sooner than their own years.
But I see in you a beauty that shall not fade away,
and in the autumn of your days
that beauty shall not be afraid to gaze at itself in the mirror,
and it shall not be offended.
I alone love the unseen in you..."
And He smiled.  And He said again:
"All men love you for themselves. I love you for yourself."
In this new year, I hope that we all find a love like that within ourselves... that we learn to love ourselves as unconditionally as the lover above loves the person he is speaking to... and in turn I hope that in this new year we begin to develop the ability to love each other in the same way.  We are all so special... so divine and such treasures.  I love you and I honor you with each breath I take.  Namaste.

I'm Still at Sedona Hot Yoga!

Namaste lovely yogi's.  I am still offering my Blessed Yoga Flow at Sedona Hot Yoga... I haven't changed the flow up as of yet, because I have personally enjoyed watching you all empower yourselves as you master your airplane and warrior poses ;)  I'm thinking that I might change it up a bit once a week... Friday classes will remain the same, but if I am given another class throughout the week, expect it to be a little different.  My updated schedules can be found on my website as well as the Sedona Hot Yoga website.  The class I am offering at Sedona Hot Yoga is founded on the principals of Kriya/Vinyasa/Hatha Yoga, where movement is coordinated with breath and intention.  Aromatherapy, chanting, bandha work, visualization, chakra work, and pranayama are also often integrated within this flow.  The space we will be sharing will be very sacred.  Be prepared to chant, move, breathe, dance, and connect to nature and the divine beauty that resides in all of us.  I promise you a long and restful savasana for all of your hard work and self love... mmm... 

❤ A Note from Ashley ❤

Vinyasa is a natural sequence unfolding with creative intelligence - a conscious evolution connecting each moment with unifying breath; a form of moving meditation.  Within it, we explore embodying and living yoga in full spectrum - sun to moon, wild to sublime, fullness to simplicity, action and being.  There is yoga for everyone.  Please let me know how I can serve your path.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti,               
Ashley Cruz

Upcoming Classes

Sedona Hot Yoga

4:30 p.m., Vinyasa Flow

*  6:30 p.m., Vinyasa Flow

Sedona Hot Yoga

5:30 p.m., Vinyasa Flow

Sedona Yoga Festival!

*  8 a.m., Sedona, AZ

Sedona Hot Yoga

5:30 p.m., Vinyasa Flow
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