Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere Inc. (ROSE) February 2013 Newsletter.
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Happy Valentine's Day! February is here, and there are quite a few things budding at ROSE! Hopefully you have "Liked" or "Followed" us on the social networking sites above, and thus had a preview of some of our latest happenings. This month, we are taking hold of social media and collaborating with  Moms Rising and the United States Breastfeeding Committee, to highlight breastfeeding and African American mothers in honor of Black History Month. These initiatives should really spark the conversation on breastfeeding within families and between generations. Keep scrolling to find out more information and feel free to forward this email on to others!
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Celebrating Black History Month


#BlkBFing: Making HERstory 

Blog Request

Have you ever heard of a blog carnival? No? Well a blog carnival "is an online action that aims to utilize social media (blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest) to jumpstart a national conversation." In this case, the conversation revolves around breastfeeding and African American women, ranging from personal to political. The deadline to submit a post is Friday, February 22nd at 5:00 p.m. PST, and the blog carnival will be published on Tuesday, February 26th.  If you would like more information please

Want to submit a YouTube video?

Making HERstory Twitter Party

Let's get #BlkBFing Trending

In addition to the blog carnival, a twitter party will be held on February 27th from 9-10 p.m. EST. A Twitter Party "is a scheduled gathering of people on Twitter to discuss or promote a mutual topic of interest, using a #hashtag to keep track of the conversation." To participate, simply search the #BlkBFing hashtag on twitter, and also be sure to include that same hashatag in your own tweet! 

Be sure to follow the hosts!


Picture Up & Be Counted!

As breastfeeding advocates, we constantly discuss the benefits of breastfeeding for babies, and eventually these babies grow up. They become health professionals, teachers, lawyers, advocates, athletes, scientists, writers, and more!

Thanks to research and statistics, we have a good idea for the percentage of breastfed babies per year, and now it is time to put faces to numbers. This is a great opportunity to show support for breastfeeding, even for those that do not have children. 

Getting involved is easy! If you or someone you know has a smartphone with any social media apps (Google+, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest), simply take a picture of yourself with the smartphone and include #IWasABreastfedBaby and/or #BlkBFing as the caption, then post!

If your phone does not have these capabilities, do not worry, you can still post pictures and use hashtags on your computer. 

On The Calendar

ROSE's Charlotte  Launch Party

Saturday February 16, 2013

Admission FREE (No Registration Required)

Presbyterian Hospital
200 Hawthorne Lane Charlotte, NC 28204
Multipurpose Room (Ground Floor)

All who care about supporting breastfeeding and motherhood in the African American community are warmly invited. Babies Welcomed!

Click Here for more information!

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The 2013 Breastfeeding Summit is Coming Soon!
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