musings on lifestyle redesign

the life [simplified] letter
Catherine McCann, Author


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Photo Credit: Jim Dobie

February 14, 2013

Dear <<First Name>>:

Welcome to another edition of the life [simplified] letter.


A west coast break

I’m back on Pender Island, BC for a week. Every time I come back to the coast, I am reminded of how much I love this place. I still have to work while I’m here, but the change in scenery allows me to recharge. When I am more relaxed, I’m also more creative. It is a win-win situation.


A valentine to my friends

Friends... they cherish one another's hopes. They are kind to one another's dreams. ~ Henry David Thoreau

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been reminded, again, of the importance of friends. Over the years, I’ve developed friendships with people who have provided me with counsel and sound advice when I needed it most. I lean on this community to help me through rough patches and to share my successes.

When I left my 9-5 job, my friends provided encouragement and support. While the adventure of self-employment has been exciting, it has ups and downs. There were many weeks over the last year, when I would feel low and question the sanity of leaving my “secure” job. Sometimes, I did not feel very confident about my abilities to find contracts or to write. At the worst moments, I would feel like I didn’t have what it takes to be successful. It was during these times, whether they knew it or not, that I turned to my friends for help.

Many of my friends provided sources of work, too. They would find projects for me to do that helped to pay the bills. They would recommend me as a consultant to others. It was up to me to come through and produce quality work, but when I had people who believed in me, I found the strength and confidence to do great work. I sure didn't want to let my friends down.

I consider the readers of this letter among my community of friends. Many of you send me great comments in response to these letters week after week. The dialogue sustains me. Sometimes I find more material for these letters in our conversations. At all times, it is a wonderful reminder of what brings my life meaning.

While Valentine’s Day celebrates love and romance, I want to include a celebration of friendship as part of the occasion. To my many friends, please consider this letter a valentine in recognition of how much you all mean to me.

Your life [simplified]

How have friends influenced and enriched your life?

I'd love to hear about your thoughts on friendship.

Have a great week!


P.S. Check out
my letter archives if you are interested in reading back issues.

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life [simplified] is written and produced by Catherine McCann, writer, consultant, micro-entrepreneur, spouse, and Chow Chow parent.

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