Attention JRI students and graduates - Check out what's new inside the virtual campus.

Take the 3-3-3 Challenge!

It's a new year and time to take on a new challenge. 
Introducing, the 3-3-3 Challenge.  Here's how it works: For 3 months, spend 3 hours per week inside the VC (reading, learning - not sleeping of course) AND pass out your business card or talk to 3 different people a day.  You can start by simply turning your coffee run in the morning into part of your marketing campaign, leave your business card on the table or pin it up on bulletin boards.  Just drop the card or do a 30 second talk.  Yep, 30 seconds!  Practice, what you are going to say in 30 seconds or up to 3 minutes.  This is normally the amount of time someone will give you on the fly.
Perhaps, something like .... Hey!, do you need some extra money? (now, who will say no to this..).  My name is ....., I am a debt buyer and I buy uncollected court judgments.  Do you have an uncollected court judgment?  Do you know someone who might have one and could use some cash?  Have your business card in hand, offer them a free case consultation, review, etc. and watch what happens. 
Just by taking the 3-3-3 Challenge.  Get started today....

Available Now  E-file your NOC's

Now, it is easier then ever to send in your "Notice of Completions" directly to the JRI
Student Services center.  No more faxing, just e-file it.  Saving you time.  It's easy, just look for the e-file icon/link inside the virtual campus.  Check it out....
Where: Main Lobby & Washington Hall

Welcoming a New Agency

Ahhh... Life is good when you can make money even when you are not working the business yourself.  Remember, all the agencies inside the VC will never charge you a dime to place files with them.  An amazing way to work hundreds of files without using your own time, resources or money.
Where:  Jefferson Hall - The Agency Network.

Collection Advisor 
New to Library

The Student Library is open 24/7.  No library card needed, never a past due fee for overdue books and no need to even be quiet here!  There is a wealth of information here. We are excited to add a new trade magazine, the Collection Advisor .
Where:  Adam's Hall - Student Library
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