In December I built and placed two objects outside of our church building, a cross and a manger. I placed the manger at the foot of the cross and then walked out on the street to look at it from a distance, when the Lord brought to mind that I was looking at His whole life on earth. Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. To be conformed to His image we must know what He was like, so I have begun to preach step by step through the life of Jesus. Please pray that hearts will be open and receptive to the Word of God.
On Christmas Eve the Sunday School teachers and children presented the Christmas story in the service. We had 65 people in attendance that night with many first time visitors. After the children finished I took a few moments and preached on the gift of God being more than a baby in a manger.
In February Pam hosted a ladies fellowship and outreach. 20 ladies attended from both Aklavik and Inuvik. There were several ladies there that had never attended our church.
March is going to be a busy month. We will be attending a missions conference at First Bible Baptist Church in Inuvik early in the month. On March 23rd we will begin our second missions conference in Aklavik. May will be 2 years that the church here has been supporting missionaries. We support 5 missionaries around the world on a monthly basis. Because of distance and expense of travel 3 of these families have never been to the church here. We are blessed to be able to have one of them with us this year.
April will mark 6 years we have been living in Aklavik. We have watched the Lord do many great things through the teaching and preaching of the Word of God. One of them is the children we are able to minister to. Up to this time our Sunday school has been one large group as we only have one Sunday school room. Many of the older children have been faithful over the years and need to be separated from the younger children so they can dig deeper into the Bible. In June there is a work crew from Westwood Baptist Church, our home church, flying up to build 2 new classrooms onto our building. We are excited about the opportunities this will provide.
We want to thank each of you for your prayers for our family and ministry. If you would like a PDF version of this letter to print please send us an e-mail.