First Jumpf for Joy! Photo Project Newsletter - Welcome!

Jump for Joy! Photo Project
Showcasing the beauty of the human spirit - in mid air - around the world.


Jump for Joy! Photo Project
Showcasing the beauty of the human spirit - in mid air - around the world

Quote of the week:

“There’s power in looking silly and not caring that you do” - Amy Poehler

*** With only a couple of weeks left to vote for my entry to My Destination's Biggest Baddest Bucket List ... I am now at 3162 votes! This past week seemed to slow down a lot and I still need more than double that to get into the final cut.

Anything is possible :) Please keep up your votes, sharing, blogging, or press can help. Your support is greatly appreciated :)

HOW TO VOTE: On my entry page scroll down to the green box, then vote by SHAREing on facebook, twitter, stumble, Pinterest and G+ :) You can also help by spreading the word to your friends, sharing on your blog or if you have media connections that may be interested in this story.. that would be wonderful :) Every SHARE=VOTE

So please, take moment to watch my
little mini tour of Vancouver, and enjoy some of the amazing people who jumped for joy with me all around Vancouver :)

Please SHARE=VOTE for me and I will keep spreading the joy with you from around the world :)

Featured Jumper of the week: STEPHANIE ZEH!  Like Jump for Joy! Featuring Stephanie Zeh on Facebook
STEPHANIE ZEH  ... From: I am originally from Coram, NY a little town on Long Island. Lives: Venice, CA. Work: Producing documentary style webisodes called “the Moose Hat”.

Q: What inspires you to want to jump for joy?

A: Life and people inspire me to jump for joy. Life really is quite simple and fun if you allow it to be. I mean there will always be bumps along the road, but learning how to deal with those bumps and make it fun that’s inspiring. Eyoalha has found a way to allow people to experience that joy in such a simple way, you can’t deny the pure feeling you get when you jump for joy!

Q.What was your experience like doing the jumping photos?

A: I had an amazing experience jumping for joy! It was so much fun! And we got to ask superheroes to jump with us, people are really willing to have fun if you ask them too! I couldn’t stop laughing during the process, it was great!

Q: What inspires you in life?

A: People inspire me. Knowledge inspires me. Random acts of kindness inspire me. People trying to make a difference inspire me.

Q: What is your greatest passion in life?
A: I love people, I love to learn, I love making people smile, I love to travel, I love to meet new people and I love the NY Jets…

Q: What is your driving force in life?
A: I don’t know that I have a specific driving force in life I mean of course my family and friends but for the most part I think my life experiences have just made me the way I am. I am comfortable with that and I trust my intuitions and intentions and just do what I feel needs to be done. That’s what keeps me going.

Q: What is your philosophy in life?

A: My philosophy in life is for the most part we are all the same; we have the same fears and want the same love. Our life experiences are what has built our belief system so you can’t really fight with someone’s you just have to accept who everyone is and see what you can learn from it and maybe you can teach a few people some things along the way. I also believe everyone should drive cross country once in their lifetime, live NYC for at least 6 months in your twenties, and do at least one thing that scares the shit out of you every year. It keeps your spirit alive.

Q: If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?
A: Wow, anything in the world. That’s a hard one, I think for me the one thing that takes the cake is that I would institute a new school system.

I believe the education system is lacking on so many levels. Education is the foundation that we build for the future generations of the world, and I don’t feel like we take that seriously enough. The way the world is evolving, we need our schools to evolve too. More and more out of the box ideas are happening and causing the world to think differently, we have to provide more opportunities for young people to explore these ideas and any other ones they might think of.

We don’t give these students enough credit for how smart and in tune they are with the world and what’s happening in it. I have talked with students about their feelings on bullying, rules and regulations of schools, and what they think the most important things they are learning in school are. I feel more people need to hear what they think. And I would love to continue traveling and talking with more students.

Q: What work/art/projects are you working on? Please provide a web page link to your art/work/project and or something you want to support.
A: The most recent project I am working on is “the Moose Hat”…it was recently launched and it still in beginning stages. You can watch us on follow us @themoosehat on twitter and you can also follow me @iamstefz on twitter as well.

Q: Mini bio, interesting facts about you or something special you want to share.

A: For 5.5 years I was in the fashion industry. I owned and designed a line called Wet Cement. The t-shirts were a photo diary of my life and travels. Through out those travels and experiences I found myself more interested in the process and the people then the outcome of t-shirts and dealing with the “rules” of the fashion industry. I wanted to document those experiences. So I thought of an interesting way to ask people more about their experiences and their beliefs. Now, I am currently producing documentary style webisodes called “the Moose Hat”. We travel around and have people put on a Moose Hat while asking their opinion on current news, hot topics, and some other fun stuff along the way.

I guess an interesting fact about me is it was my goal to travel to all 50 states by the time I was 30…I did it by 33.

All photos of Stephan were taken in Hollywood, California USA. Like Jump for Joy! Featuring Stephanie Zeh on Facebook

Please email me at: if you have feedback and suggestions on how to improve the project.. I would love to hear from you.

For more frequent updates and jumping photos, stop by the Jump for Joy! Photo Project web page/blog

Help me to keep spreading the JOY! DONATE TO JUMP FOR JOY!!

Have a great week, with lots of fun and filled with joy!
Much love, Eyoälha

Self-portrait of Eyoälha taken in Vancouver, BC Canada.
Copyright © 2012 Jumpf for Joy! Photoproject, All rights reserved.
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