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Alphabet of Sports Funding. ‘I – L’

Inspired Facilities Fund

Sport England’s Olympic Legacy fund. Round 4 opened on 4 March and closes on 29 April. This fund is focused on making it easier for local community and volunteer groups to improve and refurbish sports clubs or transform non-sporting venues into modern grassroots sport facilities. Sports Clubs and Groups can apply for £20,000 – £50,000.
To find out more click here;

Julie Tullis Memorial Award

The Julie Tullis Memorial Award provides small grants to female mountaineers and disabled climbers or mountaineers (both male and  female) to help them achieve their climbing or mountaineering ambitions.Applications for the Award are to be made through the British Mountaineering council (BMC) on their Expedition Grant Form

To find out more click here;

Live UnLtd
For young people 11 – 21 who have an idea that could help change your community for the better. Grants up to £5,000.
To visit their website click here;
Lloyds TSB Foundation
Encourage innovation and new ideas but also recognise the need for core funding to enable tried and tested ways of working to continue. 
Policy is to support underfunded charities so people, especially disadvantaged or disabled people, can play a fuller role in the community. Support a wide range of activities which fall within the broad areas of Social and Community Needs, and Education and Training.  Grants range from £5,000 - £15,000
To visit their website click here;

Lords Taveners (cricket)

The Lord's Taverners raise money to give young people, particularly those with special needs, 'a sporting chance'. They achieve this by providing opportunities for young people, able bodied or with disabilities, under the age of 25 to participate in sport & recreation.

Their annual disbursement of grant aid is broken down in the following way:
  • 50% to encourage youth cricket in clubs and schools
  • 35% to fund specially adapted minibuses
  • 15% to fund sport and recreation opportunities for young people with special needs
The Lord’s Taverners has a range of grant schemes for youth cricket and disability sports and play:

Youth cricket - grants are offered for cricket equipment bags and for non-turf pitches, practice ends and nets.

Minibuses - specially adapted minibuses are available to benefit young people with physical and/or learning disabilities (please note there is a minimum contribution of £10,000 for a standard minibus or £12,500 for a wheelchair accessible minibus and that there can be a wait of two years). Sports wheelchairs - a sponsorship scheme of up to 50% of the cost of a manual wheelchair may be available for young people aged 8 - 25  who apply through their sports club, association or school. There is also a subsidy scheme for multi-sports wheelchairs.
Disability sport and play:

  • Indoor equipment - grants of up to £5,000 can be provided for indoor sensory equipment to be used in a sensory room, sensory pool, sensory theatre and a range of soft play equipment. Indoor equipment can only be provided by Experia and not by other suppliers
  • Outdoor equipment - grants of up to £5,000 are available for adapted outdoor playground equipment and sensory garden equipment. There are quarterly deadlines for indoor and outdoor equipment grants
  • Small grants - grants of up to £750 are also available for other specially adapted sporting equipment not supported through through the other grant schemes.
Table cricket and boccia - grants of £150 towards boccia balls, a basic boccia ramp, a Davies table cricket set or an AMV table cricket set are available to schools/organisations working with young people under the age of 25 who have a physical/sensory/learning disability. The Lord’s Taveners website also carries details of the Brian Johnstone Memorial Trust which supports blind cricket and provides scholarships to promising young cricketers.
All applications must fall within their guidelines and be presented on the appropriate application forms. Applications for cricket grants are ONLY available from the Cricket Development Officer at the local county ground. All other application forms are available from The Lord's Taverners on 0207 821 2808 or downloaded from

Funding Streams
Cycling in National Parks Grants

The Government is now inviting Local Authorities in partnership with National Parks to bid for a Cycle Grant to support improvements in cycling infrastructure to enable more people to cycle in and around National parks.

The grant is for 2013-2015 and will be administered through the Linking Communities programme.

The Linking Communities programme, administered by the transport charity Sustrans, distributes The Department’s grant funding to local authorities and includes advice on prospective schemes.

To find out more clck here;

Funding News

School sport handed £150m funding boost

The government has announced new funding for school sport and PE worth £150m a year for the next two years.

This ring-fenced money will be given directly to primary schools in England.

Schools will be able to pay for extra coaching sessions to improve the quality of sports and PE provision.

To find out more click here; 

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