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How to worm your dog

Do you know for certain how often you should be worming your dog?
Why are worms a health issue anyway and what, if anything, should you be doing about it?

Sign up here for your free download 'Worming my dog' and receive free, professional veterinary advice on this important subject:

    - everything you need to know about worm parasites and your dog
    - learn about the difference between intestinal roundworms and tapeworms and the importance of lungworm
    - take some of the mystery out of toxocariasis, echinococcosis and aleurostrongylosis!
    - have a clear and easy to understand treatment plan for your dog  
Fill in your details below to to receive your free veterinary 'Worming my dog' download, to help you better understand exactly what products you do - and don't - need to give.

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