First Jumpf for Joy! Photo Project Newsletter - Welcome!

Jump for Joy! Photo Project
Showcasing the beauty of the human spirit - in mid air - around the world.


Jump for Joy! Photo Project
Showcasing the beauty of the human spirit - in mid air - around the world

Quote of the week: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

*** This week, I was excited to be featured in On Purpose Magazine, check it out: Eyoälha Baker Photo Project on Jumping for Joy!

*** This is also the final week to vote for my entry to My Destination's Biggest Baddest Bucket List ... your vote to facebook, stumble, twitter and G+ once a day to the end of the contest could still possibly put me in the top ten.. :) Want to give it a shot and see if we can make it happen? I would be ever so grateful (you can always delete the link once you have voted if you prefer not to have the link on your wall :)

HOW TO VOTE: On my entry page scroll down to the green box, then vote by SHAREing on facebook, twitter, stumble, Pinterest and G+ :)

Please SHARE=VOTE for me and I will keep spreading the joy with you from around the world :)

Featured Jumper of the week: KLARA JAHRIG!  Like Jump for Joy! Featuring Klara Jahrig on Facebook
KLARA JAHRIG  ... From: Edmonton, Alberta Lives: In Vancouver for one year. Work: Entrepreneur - founded my own company that will be launching it's flagship product:, this Spring/Summer.

Q: What inspires you to want to jump for joy?
A: I live beside Stanley Park and English Bay. There are many reasons I should jump for joy, but the natural beauty around me is enough.

Q.What was your experience like doing the jumping photos?
A: I've been modeling locally and internationally for a while, so I have jumped in front of a camera before- it's one of my favourite things to do. This is the first time I've done a shoot that embodied that feeling and I loved every minute of it.

Q: What inspires you in life?
A: People and Ideas. I am a creative person and love to try new things, travel, and meet new people.

Q: What is your driving force in life?
A: Other people. If the only beneficiary of my efforts is myself I will procrastinate, I need to be a part of something bigger to be productive.

Q: What is your philosophy in life?
A: Don't let your fear of failure prevent you from trying new things and stand in the way of your success. Relationships are your best copyright, someone can copy your idea but they can't copy your connections. Money is currency, wealth is about relationships.

Q: If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?
A: I want to change the way people do business. I would like to close the divide between some of the major companies out there whose dichotomies are inhibiting progress and do not have the best interests of the consumer at heart. I would like to see more collaboration between enterprises and less of a gap between businesses and local communities. I think the idea of shooting down your competition is very unsophisticated and outdated and believe that it is the big collaborators that present the most sustainable solutions for our global future. I am working towards these goals.

Q: What work/art/projects are you working on?
A: We will be launching soon, a social business networking tool designed to make sharing and collaboration easier and enhance both B2B and B2C relationships. At present, our blog, , is the best place to find out more about us and read interesting articles about social media.

Q: Mini bio, interesting facts about you or something special you want to share.
A: Being random. I think the best thing I ever did is was start acting before reasoning. This sounds ridiculous, but what I mean is experimenting. I believe that our choices are limited by what we already know and have experienced. Sometimes the best thing to do is roll the dice and see what you get. Years and years of living my life this way have enabled me not only to think outside of the box, but to see it as a building block.  

All photos of Klara were taken on English Bay Beach in Vancouver, BC Canada.
 Like Jump for Joy! Featuring Klara Jahrig on Facebook

Please email me at: if you have feedback and suggestions on how to improve the project.. I would love to hear from you.

For more frequent updates and jumping photos, stop by the Jump for Joy! Photo Project web page/blog

Help me to keep spreading the JOY! DONATE TO JUMP FOR JOY!!

Have a great week, with lots of fun and filled with joy!
Much love, Eyoälha

Self-portrait of Eyoälha taken in Berlin, Germany.
Copyright © 2012 Jumpf for Joy! Photoproject, All rights reserved.
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