“When we praise God, He inhabits or enters our praises, and His power overwhelms the power of the enemy. He is a mighty God, and Satan cannot match His strength. Light will dispel darkness through God’s entering into our praise. Through praise, the Lord Himself begins to do warfare on our behalf to silence our enemy, as we shall see.” Cindy Jacobs
Dear praying friends,
Greetings from IHOP-KC (International House of Prayer in Kansas City). We are extremely thankful and praise God for your prayers. They mean so much to us because without prayer we could never do what we are doing. During this next week we will be traveling to the east coast (especially Virginia Beach) to visit our friends, prayer partners, supporters and church. We will be gone for a few weeks.
Prayer Requests for June:
Pray for fruitfulness and rest - We are both very tired and need a good break. The last year has been very busy. We appreciate prayer for rest, recuperation, and fun.
Pray for our health and total healing - Norm has had a severe sleep problem for several years, and I have to see a cardiologist to check up on a heart issue as well as a urologist. I recently saw a foot doctor regarding pain and arthritis in my hand and feet (I broke my wrist and heel two years ago) and had a recent scare regarding the possibility of having breast cancer (which I had 8 years ago) though it looks like I now just need a 6-month checkup. We may have to stop for a time of rest for a while to take care of these issues.
Pray for God's anointing and good meetings - Pray that we can share about prayer, intercession, missions, intimacy, and building the House of Prayer. We will meet with many special friends and our church family. Pray for God's blessing in each visit as well as His timetable each day.
Pray for the translation and selling of my 4 new books on prayer - I published 4 books this year, but now am on a new journey of discovering how to market them. Please pray that God will show me how to do this. This is hard for me because I never did it before and I've worked hard on each book - Breakthrough Prayer, Ascending the Heights in prayer, Deeper Still, and 24/7 Prayer Arise. I would like to see them translated into many languages - Korean, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, and Russian initially.
Pray for an anointing in writing and the distribution of my bi-monthly prayer articles on many websites - Crosswalk.com publishes several of them but I am looking for more - See A Devoted Heart. Pray for God's people to grow tremendously in prayer! I have another book nearly finished called The Invitation.
Pray for the future development of Intercessors Arise International - I believe the Lord wants to develop this ministry further with conferences for intercessors, trainings, a new website, and more but I need His wisdom and resources for this. Pray for intercessors to arise!
Pray for our overseas ministry - We are helping with the building of the House of Prayer in Spain and beyond and need great wisdom and timing in our future trips. We my spend a few months in Spain next winter. A group of Spanish leaders are coming to our October IMMERSE called Building the House of Prayer. We are so excited.
Pray for the development of Houses of Prayer worldwide in every country and every unreached people group - We are working towards seeing a House of Prayer developed in a North African unreached people group, but there are so many more that are needed in others. Pray for God to open the hearts of these beautiful desert people.
Pray for close friends and a team where we live - People change here continuously and we would love a solid team of mission's people we could work with. Norm is a zone pastor here at IHOP, and we want to start a small friendship group once our health improves. Pray that we would be good mothers and fathers to this large IHOP community made up of mainly young people.
Pray for my involvement with the IMMERSE 8-day intensive here at IHOP-KC - I love it and would love more involvement in the future or to develop a similar 8-day training for Intercessors Arise International.
Pray for lots of time with the Lord as we travel and everywhere we go - Here at IHOP I find it so wonderful to spend extravagant time with God, but while traveling and without a schedule, it is not quite so easy. Pray for intimacy with God in the midst of traveling. And I will pray the same for you.
Pray for safety and good weather in all our travels - We leave next Tuesday and have lots to do in getting ready. We have had threats of tornadoes, floods, wind, and rain this week. Our house situated at the end of our street was nearly in a flash flood, but thankfully everything has settled down.
Norm also writes a prayer letter which is much more focused on all our overseas work. If you would like to get that letter, please let me know.
In closing, I just want to say that this is such an exciting time for the prayer and the mission's movement. God is doing such extraordinary things all over the world and it is such a privilege to be part of it. I thank God for the privilege to serve Him in this way.
To join my facebook page and invite your friends, see Intercessors Arise International.
"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation" (Psalm 5:3).
Yours in Christ,
Norm and Debbie Przybylski
Elijah Company, Inc. (www.elijahcompany.org)
Intercessors Arise International (www.intercessorsarise.org)
IHOP Kansas City (www.ihop.org)