Walking Terra Christa
March Brings Forth
the Winds of Change

The 1st of March has arrived and do you know where you are within your pathway?  The energies are so very strong that it can be difficult in assimilating the changes each day.  We work through deep healing in our sleep-state and then try to ground the integrations during the day.  Some of us are within an awakened meditation every moment of each day.

This year of 2013 has promised that it would represent Synchronization.  This means that depending upon our own intention and what we want to acknowledge within the physical level that we are being pushed to accept our new level of awareness.  Awareness does not just mean each individual awaking upon a pathway of light into the physical existence but actually represents the ability to move through the doorways when an opportunity knocks.  The Spiritual Hierarchy is assisting us through the entryways into a new existence but then we physically need to accept our new roles.  And, these will change in a moment’s notice as we are accepting more of our multi-dimensional lives continually.

Activating our Higher Self is accepting the ability to be more focused within the Oneness that we are instead the physical self walking through a process of change.  Our physical reality and perception is changing due to our soul becoming more awake with each passing moment.  The depth of the changes that we are going through cannot be measured by anyone as there is no guiding rule of how it is going to happen.  We take each day with what we are given through our Inner Plane activities and activate the new essence as best as we can in the physical body, our lives being changed continually.  The best part of it all is that we are the Commander of our Inner Light and how it is intertwined within our present reality.

So we ask again.  How are you doing with the challenges you are going through presently?  We have found that each of us individually is changing and the existence we started in January has again shifted.  So we must move with the changing tides so the roles that we play are in alignment with what our Higher Self and the Universe is providing for us.  We are learning to live in the moment within a 5th dimensional sacred space but still have to work within the 3rd and 4th dimensional environments until Terra Christa is fully activated.  Until that time, it takes great patience, understanding of our inner self and with each other to provide services that are in alignment with the Creator and Divine Will of Mother and Father God.

We are being challenged just like each of you.  Each of us together bring forth over 40 years of experience and expertise to assist individuals to fully intertwine the higher energies and activate them physically.  We have learned to accept the changes and allow the flow of life within us to accept our new reality.  We are walking the 5th Dimensional Mastery Pathway physically and want to share with others how to do the same.  We are also learning new ways of existence through our remembrances of our multi-dimensional self’s along with being greatly assisted by the Team of Light which represents the Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole and all Masters of the Light.

We are being guided to bring our teachings to a new level of understanding which will be not only for the advanced student but all levels of awareness.  All of our work is a direct communication with the Masters which represents their knowledge and expertise without our lower minds being involved.  We are excited to provide a teaching series called, “The Pathway of Lightworker to Initiate” that is still in the planning stages to assist all levels of individuals to understand the 5th Dimensional Level of Mastery.  Please check our website for details on the lessons that we will be providing via a live lecture along with MP3 downloads to work through each step of the program.

~ Blessings in Love & Light,
Mel & Mike
P.S. After you are done reading our newsletter please take a moment to share our very short but expedient weekend only special offers with your friends! We have posted it below but here is the quick link for sharing to our page: http://walkingterrachrista.com/classes/


We are required to flow just as everyone else. Our work is essentially important to every Lightworker. To assist you in accepting your pathway of becoming a Fifth Dimensional Master, we are giving a very limited window for taking advantage of some of our acclaimed courses.
(that page is the only access to the specials!)



Where do you find your energies are these days?

Many are actually in a state of constant opposing forces of frequencies. From the point of view of the Spiritual Realm, we are in a great condition of flux.

The energies we are experiencing are simply due to the massive reconstruction of our etheric and physical structures. If you think about it in terms of an organic  space ship traveling thru the universe...as an organic structure it is not impervious to the elements within the areas that it is passing through. It must either absorb the rays of a sun or shield itself, inflect the differing levels of gravity so it can navigate around obstacles or get closer to them, deflect space debris or use some of the particles it encounters to rejuvenate itself on its journey.

The elements of light that are hitting the planet earth's atmosphere do not all get shielded.  Much of the energy is a wavelength of light that the human organic vehicle also can not shield itself from.

Which is a wonderful occurrence for it is these same frequencies of light that would have, under differing circumstances, caused the destruction and downfall of the human condition.

Allow us to share a quote: "My greatest concern regarding the phenomenon of 2012 is less about the changes of the earth itself, and more about the way we treat one another as we go through the greatest shift of power, wealth and resources in 5,000 years of recorded history. It’s in the way we choose to live our lives each day that the essence of our choices—the theme of cooperation or competition, the power of love or fear—is imbued into the field that connects all things. It’s these choices, as well, that will ultimately determine where our time of change leads us." - Author Gregg Braden.

What Gregg was hitting upon is that we now have the opportunity to adapt ourselves differently than was prophesied. The fact is, we have changed ourselves and now we are able to accept these energies.

But this only means we have survived as a species...so far.  It does not mean that what we are going through is not an ongoing challenge to our balance.

It is now time on our path of evolution for us to become hyper-aware of our own energy flux. We are now at the stage of evolution where we have graduated from being aware of our feelings and thoughts, into being aware of our energy signature.

How Are We Being Energetically?

Are we in harmony?
Are we in balance?
Are we in flow?

This applies not to our week or our day...but to our moment.

This is our new way of being as a new human in the new energy.

We will do all that we can to assist you to learn to master your energy, as that is exactly what Fifth Dimensional Mastery
℠ is all about.


New Earth Frequency Update ~ Feb 28th, 2013 ~ Equilibrium of Light

Sanant Kumara and The Holy Kumara - The Venusian Flame Holders of the Rays of God

“It’s difficult to write about something that has had such a deep impact on my life. I can tell you that the first session completely blew open my consciousness. I felt it shatter and blow out like with an explosion, what I felt after was a wide open space to grow in. This course has brought to me my Higher Self…Until this course I only had a sporadic sense of her, now she is with me all the time. This is something I have wanted and worked [toward] for years…The depth of peace and possibility I felt by the end of this course was surprising and wonderful. What I have written here doesn’t even begin to touch all the ways it has changed me…” - K. from Maine, USA



Walking Terra Christa Logo
Have you visited the website recently?  Lots going on there
as we post blogs entries a few times a week sometimes!  We are the premier website for your Fifth Dimensional Mastery using the 22 Rays of God, Soul Psychology and Ascension Science teachings, meditations attunements and more to assist in your acceleration.


Channeled By Melleriessee



It is our pleasure to spend a few moments with each of you.  I am Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos and I am speaking from the Telosian Command Center as the Telosian Council of Light.  I have a message for each of you from the Unified Whole which represents all the Light Masters of the Brotherhood of Light.

We stand in unison with each of you but as the spokes-being it is my divine pleasure to express the deepest gratitude and joy from the Inner Earth Beings to each of you on the Upper Earth.  Changes are occurring rapidly within our planet, and we must come together in unison to express our desires to be more with each other.

March is going to bring forth a swiftness that none of us is truly prepared for no matter how deeply we accept the inner changes.  The acceleration within the planet and within the Solar and Planetary level is on an increased level of activity as I know many of you realize.  It is important to understand that stabilization will occur within your own Beingness by learning what feels in alignment and what is creating the discordant elements.  This takes quite a bit of effort to fully realize the ramifications that can occur within someone and not fully take responsibility of the resultant energies.  I cannot stress enough the power of your thoughts and your feelings that are occurring within your four-body system.  These elements are a direct result of what is going to happen within you, around you, and your world.  What you share with others is extremely important.

Each individual person has a responsibility to their own livelihood, but now that is extended from the inner self to the outer self.  The movement of your energies will have a direct result in how you experience life within you and around you.  At this time, until the Spring Equinox, the effects of these energies are going to be extremely powerful.  It is important that each day you take time to fully accept your feelings and allow them to be of your highest frequency within your body.  Putting yourself within the Unified Whole so that your direct experiences are continually placed into wholeness and not adversely affected by anyone else is advised by each of us.  The karmic connects will be active immediately and there is no longer a time lapse of when the direct alliance with these energies will be felt.

In retrospect, the power of manifestation will be at a new time high for you to create your desires.  What you command to be, will be the focus of your experience.  The energies are flying at a much accelerated rate.  It is imperative to ground your essence through your Earth Star to allow your body to become balanced in each moment of your existence.  You are also going to experience levels of awareness intertwined with a lack of understanding.  This means that as you allow the higher energies being sent to you by your Higher Self into the Lower Self there needs to be a communication that occurs within both.  The light frequencies will spin within from your Soul Star to activate a new part of your existence from the Higher Self.  Then the lower self or physical body needs to ground those energies through all structures.  If you can visualize yourself being on a child’s see-saw and standing in the middle to balance out both ends, then you will be able to stand between both worlds ~ Integration and Actualizing the energies.

This is exactly what is happening to GAIA at the same time.  Parts of her energies will not be able to withstand the extreme weather conditions while other sections will be in total alignment.  There is a battle of Light and Dark ensuing presently into the planet as we move towards the Spring Equinox which will represent the balance that needs to take effect.  Now it is imperative to understand that what is not balanced in your present circumstances, meaning your Inner Self, then it will cause more havoc within your system.

I share this knowledge not to create fear but to help you be in preparation.  You walk with each of us moving into a higher level of existence.  What is your intention at this time?  This is very important to realize as it will be the deciding factor in your present reality.  If you are feeling balanced, then that will be the end result.  Otherwise, you will have a very challenging time through this month.
It is important to realize that every day you will awake with new thoughts, memories, and feelings that will assist you into moving into a balanced state.  With each of these new moments you will get deeper into yourself.  It is not a condition in which the balance occurs and then you are done with it.  We are never finished finding the Core of our Being.  Otherwise, we would be living in the 144th dimension with the enlightened ones.  Even the masters on the many levels of creation to the God Force still are working through their essences.
This is what Mastery represents and each of you that are awakened is walking into that pathway.  But if you do not go deeper into it, you will stay where you are.  Possibly that is the space where you want to be.  But I guarantee you this, in order to walk into the 5th dimension, you MUST ASPIRE TO BE THE MASTER OF LIGHT, and learn how to do so.  You can exist in your quiet world, if you so choose, but you will die and will have to be re-born somewhere as that is the best way to acquire enlightenment.  Or you can choose to walk as a 5th Dimensional Master, live many years beyond your comprehension with good health, love, and acceptance of your light and love with others while joining us as we come together into the New Earth.

This is what these challenges represent so that each of us can be better, can co-exist with each other, never to have a lower self body, and actualize only the highest frequency of light.  We call this ONENESS of the SELF.  Until we acquire the ability to do so, we cannot share ONENESS with another.  It is Universal Law.

I share this message with my deepest love, and I also need to extend a thank you to all of you that are walking this pathway, to become better souls within a body, and desiring a beautiful life.  The more that we aspire to these virtues, the more that GAIA will heal herself so that she, too, can be with her beloved, Terra Christa.

Yes, March is going to spin us in many directions but as long as you have your true footing in place each day and moment, then you will be able to aspire to more heights within yourself that you will share with others within the deepness of your Heart.  We need one another ~ this is our challenge at this time in our creation. 

We, of the Telosian Community, walk with each of you and extend our hearts and hands to our brothers and sisters of the Upper Earth.  Please take time during this month to find the balance within you and accept your present life circumstance with the totality of your Highest Presence activated within you.  Practice bringing in your Higher Self and acknowledging that you are challenged through the process.  Being honest with yourself is the best way to make the necessary changes.
I thank you and love you dearly for sharing your essence of Love within the world.

I AM Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light speaking for the Brotherhood of White Light within the Unified Whole Command.

Aluna-Aluna-Aluna (Telosian Chant:  Hello or Goodbye)


Wednesday March 20 -

Wednesday March 27 -


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CODE: 148525#






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