First Jumpf for Joy! Photo Project Newsletter - Welcome!

Jump for Joy! Photo Project
Showcasing the beauty of the human spirit - in mid air - around the world.


Jump for Joy! Photo Project
Showcasing the beauty of the human spirit - in mid air - around the world

Quote of the week:

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

*** I have an article published in this months issue of Travel Longer Magazine! ... one catch.. you must have an ipad to read it! I don't have an ipad and haven't seen the published version of my article. If you do have an ipad, please take a look and let me know how it turned out :)

                             - a quote from my article :) Fun!

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Featured Jumper of the week: JULIAN GUDERLY!  Like Jump for Joy! Featuring Julian Guderley on Facebook
JULIAN GUDERLY  ... From: Born and raised in Germany. Live: currently in Vancouver. Work: Event Creator - so far mainly to promote joy, my intention is to drive social change and live, promote and stand up for happiness and joyfulness.

Q: What inspires you to want to jump for joy?

A: my inner credo to DO JOY anywhere. everywhere. with everybody.

Q.What was your experience doing the jumping photos?
A: Very spontaneous afternoon jumping. I loved the energy of jumping in and out of Eyoälha's picture frame - got me immediately energized and so excited that I had to jump into the river at the end of our shooting. 
I felt great and excited to try new jumps & flying poses. Especially feeling like I am actually flying thrills me!

Q: What inspires you?

A: Peace & Harmony. I live my life along my highest excitement and am always listening within to follow my bliss.

Q: What is your greatest passion?
A: Laughing, especially with others. Joy connects and transcends these inner walls many of us carry around.

Q: What is your driving force?
A: Love. Because I believe without it there is not much longevity in anything we create.

Q: What is your philosophy?

A: I am a lifelong learner & teacher.
- emotional intelligence, development of both heart and mind -

Q: If you could do anything in the world?
A: Creating more social happenings where people, regardless of heritage, culture, language or generation joyfully interact and create blissful experiences and memories in their individual lives. It makes me happy to be part of that! Sharing is caring!!! I am currently working on this. Always ready to detect the next door, the next opportunity to connect with people who value honesty and solidarity as the true drivers in social evolution.

Q: What are you working on?
A: I am working on various projects that all emphasize our conscious evolution as peaceful beings. Check out these pages:;; -- all of them are in progress projects.

Q: Mini bio, interesting facts about you or something special you want to share.

A: I love to live an international life beyond physical boarders. I believe that in our minds connection we are living as One in a spiritual sense. This same Oneness is reflected in the manifestation of todays technology. The internet already transcends boarders and languages, it is normal for a great number of people to interact globally and appreciate the beauty of diversity. Be local - think global.

I had the great pleasure to live in countries such as Paraguay, Italy, Germany, the USA and now Canada. Traveling took me to many many more places - definitely more to come as well - I find intense joy in language and culture, how it reflects one another and how it helps us to understand valuable lessons of the past. Language and culture also play a great role to understand how we want to connect with each other for the future yet to experience.

I believe it is time for all of us to discover our inner artists and feel for where we want to create a benefit into this future world. NOW is already happening, it is already beautiful. Stand up for yourself, Stand up for Peace. Thank you Eyoälha for sharing the joy! Aloha

All photos of Julian were taken in North Vancouver, BC Canada. Like Jump for Joy! Featuring Julian Guderley on Facebook

Please email me at: if you have feedback and suggestions on how to improve the project.. I would love to hear from you.

For more frequent updates and jumping photos, stop by the Jump for Joy! Photo Project web page/blog

Help me to keep spreading the JOY! SUPPORT JUMP FOR JOY!!

Have a great week, with lots of fun and filled with joy!
Much love, Eyoälha

Self-portrait of Eyoälha taken in North Vancouver, BC Canada.
Copyright © 2012 Jumpf for Joy! Photoproject, All rights reserved.
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