stuart & wendy brown
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Stuart & Wendy Brown

serving in mexico city

"Stories matter. Many Stories matter. Stories have been used to disposes and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower and to humanize." ~ Chimamanda Adichie

Recently, a missionary friend shared the following video of Nigerian-born novelist Chimamanda Adichie on Facebook. Her presentation, The Danger of Telling the Single Story on captivated me. "Show a people as one thing, as only one thing, over and over again, and that is what they become," warns Miss Adichie.

And therein lies my dilemma.

I am a missionary. I tell stories.

But I do not want to misrepresent the people, the culture, or the nation God has called me to.

In John 8, we read a well-known story. And if your Bible is like my Bible, the title of this excerpt is, The woman caught in adultery.

As Jesus was teaching near the temple, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees bring a woman before him. They blab her story to Jesus and to the crowd gathered to hear him: "This woman was caught in the act of adultery," they say. "The Law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?" The religious leaders exploit and expose this woman by telling her story with an ulterior motive: "They were trying to trap [Jesus] into saying something they could use against him."

But Jesus does not take the bait. He does not allow them to tell her story for their purposes. If they wanted to tell a story, they would have to tell their own: "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!"

Have you ever wondered why Bible translators titled this story the way that they did? Are we guilty of telling the single story – the woman caught in adultery – the only story the religious leaders wanted everyone else to know?

What if we told the story from Jesus' perspective? What if we called it, The woman protected, restored, and redeemed by Jesus? Or why not, The men who got caught throwing rocks, as Renovatus pastor Jonathan Martin did in a recent series, and really turn the story around.

I am a missionary. I tell stories. I have a responsibility.

I don't want to exploit or expose, like the religious leaders.

I want to restore and redeem, like Jesus.

As missionaries we believe God has commissioned us to tell His story, the story of Jesus – his life, ministry, death, and resurrection – to the nations. As missionaries we also share the stories of the people God has called us to – to the people who have sent us. We share them because we want you to know and cherish the people of Mexico (or India, or the Middle East, etc). We want you to know their culture, their beauty, their families. We want you to hear their stories because we love them.

But we have a responsibility to let you know, our stories are not the only stories. We share from our perspectives and experiences. But I trust most of us do it with sensitivity, care, and sincerity.

Jesus, I hope I do.

Stories are powerful. This Sunday your church will tell the most powerful story of all time. Pray for us as we share His story in Mexico. And pray also, that we share the stories of the people we love and serve with the dignity they deserve.

(I encourage you to watch Chimamanda Adichie's presentation. She is a powerful story teller. Her video is less than 20 minutes long, but I believe it will captivate you as it did me. And for all my Connecticut friends, Miss Adichie graduated summa cum laude from Eastern Connecticut State University in 2001 and from Yale University in 2008.)

Mailing address:
Rancho Las Animas #38 Los Sauces
Coyoacan, Mexico DF, 04940

Voip: 260.918.3101

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Wendy contributes articles for Tortilla Press

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"And now, go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead . . . " Matthew 28:7

"Y ahora, vayan rápidamente y cuéntenles a sus discípulos que ha resucitado . . . " Mateo 28:7
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