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Strategize Organize LLC
Newsletter Volume 5, Issue 6

Normalizing Can Help with Organizing 


I know that I feel a lot better when I see that others experience some of the same issues as me. It helps me feel “normal” (whatever that is). This newsletter is written with the intention of normalizing some feelings, thoughts, and behaviors around organizing. Of course, we can continue to work at our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, but it seems that an important and helpful first step is to recognize that others struggle with the same sorts of things as we do. This knowledge can give us the energy to engage in the organizing process.

Examples of Feelings, Thoughts, and Behaviors around Organizing

Feelings of:
  • being overwhelmed
  • stupidity
  • embarrassment
  • shame
  • what’s wrong with me 
Thoughts: Perceived Judgment
  • I’m really good at my job. People would never believe that this is my house. 
  • I don’t invite people into my home. OR There are rooms that no one is allowed in.
Thoughts: Two Opposite Realities in the Same Situation
  • I really am competent. I don’t know why I can’t do these seemingly simple things such as keeping up with paper and laundry.  
  • I know what to do, but I just can’t do it.
  • I want a space to be/feel “uncluttered,” but I want to keep everything that is in it. 
Behaviors: Personal Actions
  • I open the door to a room with the intention of working on the space, and I close the door because it feels too overwhelming.
  • I stand in a room and I’m not able to move – I feel paralyzed. 
  • I cry when I attempt to deal with the current state of a room. 
  • I don’t open the mail. I have boxes and piles of old mail everywhere.  
  • I pick something up, but I just can’t make a decision about it, so I put it back down, feeling exasperated. It feels so silly to spend so much time making a decision about item x. 
  • My way of organizing is to put everything from the table, floor, and counters in a bin and put it in a closet. Now my closets are full, and my rooms are on their way to looking like the closets.

Hopefully by seeing this list of common feelings, thoughts, and behaviors about organizing, you will feel supported by the knowledge that you are not alone. Perhaps you will have a new kind of energy to take a tiny step to work at your organizing goals.

Final Note
It’s the final week of the 5th Anniversary Picture Tip Contest!  It’s between the Lazy Susans up High and The Option for the Non-Pull Out Shelf.  Cast your vote here!
Oh, and guess what?! If you vote (and put a little comment in the comment box), you will be entered to win a free t-shirt!  Here’s the link to the picture of the t-shirt.
Because I’m an organizer, I want to say that if you feel you already have too many t-shirts, you don’t have to be entered to win.  You can simply vote and not comment – then you won’t be entered.  But you still get the joy of voting!!

Good Luck,

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